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Caligrafía Urbana - SKYFALL by Simon Silaidis

Por Zulu @byZulu
Caligrafía Urbana - SKYFALL by Simon Silaidis
Viviendo tiempos donde la esperanza parece haber perdido su significado, caminando a traves de caminos de incertidumbre y odio. Simon encuentra esperanza en Skyfall. Su caligrafía le guía a través de la paz interior y la serenidad hacia caminos de sabiduría, desde los cielos libres a una caída libre en el entorno urbano que tenemos que soportar. De una manera pura y mágica nos lleva a su mundo lleno de letras con un propósito, transmitir su mensaje de cambio y esperanza rompiendo con los tiempos oscuros que nos ha tocado vivir. Un mundo mejor es posible.
Living in times that hope seems to have lost it's meaning and mankind walks in paths of uncertainty and hate, Simon finds hope in the skyfall. His calligraphy leads him through inner peace and serenity to the path of wisdom, from the free skies to a free fall in the urban surroundings we have to endure. In a pure and magical way he manages to entrap us to his world of letters with one purpose, to convey his message of change and hope crashing the black era that has emerged. A better world is possible.
"This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move and then, hear my heart burst again"

Urban Calligraphy "Skyfall" from DESIGNWARS on Vimeo.

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