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Enjoy a Calçotada at Casa Orlandai

Por Abilingualbaby @ABilingualBaby
Enjoy a Calçotada at Casa OrlandaiWhat are all your Catalan friends doing next Sunday? From November to April, chances are they are meeting for a calçotada, a traditional fiesta consisting mainly of calçots, that is, sweet onions typical from the Valls area (Tarragona). If you want to be an expert on calçots, just read this post I wrote for Pocket Cultures. If you want to eat them, next Saturday, there's a calçotada in a cultural centre in Barcelona. See the details in the following text in Spanish.
Si estáis en Barcelona este finde y queréis disfrutar de una calçotada, 
aquí tenéis la que organiza el centro cultural Casa Orlandai.
¿Dónde? Espai Gardenyes C/Cardenal Sentmenat
¿Cuándo? Sábado, 14 de marzo
12 h Espectáculo infantil gratuito con NuriTotal
14 h Calçotada (calçots, butifarra, bebida y postre 12 €. 

Venta de tiquets en Casa Orlandai)
C/Jaume Piquet, 23
TEL: 93 252 42 62
FAX: 93 205 84 03

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