Revista Fashion Blogger

Handmade tweed jacket

Publicado el 15 mayo 2013 por Raqueltg
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A tweed jacket designed by myself, a nice white shirt with flowers in the sleeves, a cute necklace by Avenio and Zara nude heels. Wanna see the whole outfit? =)
Una chaqueta de tweed diseñada por mí, una bonita blusa blanca con flores en las mangas, un collar precioso de Avenio y tacones nude de Zara. ¿Queréis ver el look completo? ;)
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.usUn outfit sencillo pero que queda impecable, combinando pantalones de color oscuro, una chaqueta tipo Chanel y los accesorios correctos. En mi caso, un bolso doctor bag del mismo tono que la blusa, zapatos nude y joyas únicas. La pulsera con el símbolo del infinito la hace una amiga mía, Flavia Fernández (seguidla en la fanpage, que tiene cosas monísimas!).A simple outfit but with a gorgeous result, combining dark pants, a Chanel look-a-like jacket and the proper accesories. In my case, I chose a doctor bag in the same colour than the blouse, nude shoes and eunique jewelry. The bracelet with the infinite symbol is made by a friend of mine, Flavia Fernández (follow her fanpage if you can see her cute designs!).
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Jacket/chaqueta - Raquel T.G.Blouse/blusa - ZaraPants/pantalones - PrimarkNecklace/collar - AvenioBracelet/pulsera - Flavia FernandezBag/bolso - MangoShoes/zapatos - Zara
-Raquel T.G.-xx

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