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The best birthday you can have ...

Publicado el 10 agosto 2012 por Primsecret

Pues sí .... llegó de nuevo, es mi cumpleaños chic@s !!!! .... pero presiento que este va a ser muy distinto a los demás, porque estamos preparando una gran fiesta para celebrarlo.  Y para todos vosotr@s los que dia tras dia pasais a verme os mereceis por lo menos que os recompense de alguna manera. Quisiera haceros llegar un trocito de cada uno de estos preciosos dulces pero entendereis que es casi imposible, pero coged un trocito ... cerrad los ojos ...... y degustad!!!! OS QUIERO!!!!! Mil gracias por estar ahí!!!!!!!
Yes .... came again, my birthday is chic @ s!! .... but I sense that this will be very different from others because we are preparing a big party to celebrate. And for all you @ s day after day that you pass to me at least you deserve to reward you somehow. I would like to let you know a piece of each of these beautiful sweet but will understand that it is almost impossible, but grab a piece ... close your eyes ...... and degustad!! I love you!! Thanks for being there!!!
The best birthday you can have ...
The best birthday you can have ...
The best birthday you can have ...
The best birthday you can have ...
The best birthday you can have ...
The best birthday you can have ...
The best birthday you can have ...

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