(To read the English version go to the bottom of the article)
*Esta nota esta escrita por nuestro colaborar a raíz de la noticia de hoy sobre el número de desempleados que actualmente se encuentra en España. Si bien nuestro objetivo es brindaros noticias e ideas inspiradoras que contribuyan siempre a vuestro desarrollo profesional con el mayor de nuestras energías positivas, sentimos que no podemos dejar pasar esta reflexión para que después miremos el futuro con fuerzas. Somos creativos, podemos contra todo.
Why I'm speaking about it in an architecture blog? Well, just respect. Today is not the day to speak about a nice trip or a walk through a siedlung... NO. A scream to the heaven, all together just in one, a scream thinking which would be the solutions. In reference to the blog, what it has to see with architecture, what to tell if it´s roting for a long time in the "la Península", finishing with the ideas and efforts of so many good colleagues, that I hope can wake up from the smash.
We must reinvent ourselves, try another perspectives, in which political and economic aspects practically don´t exist, just the Good Labor between people and their necessities. I´ve been far away for a long time, cause I wanted to... Now also perhaps I´ll have to. We are in the top of the wave, a huge collapse, it smells like a good change is coming. Which will be yours and my part on it? As they say in Austria, "Ich bin gespannt"
"Ánimo", tons of it.
Hasta luego b´aC Javi