Hola! Hoy os dejo con un post muy especial sobre Nueva York que ha salido publicado en el blog La 5th Con Bleecker St, que ya os he recomendado en algunas ocasiones, y que está dedicado a la Gran Manzana.
Se trata de mi participación en la sección de In Your Eyes, en la que cada persona que participa cuenta su experiencia en Nueva York a través de fotografías. Podéis verlo AQUÍ. Me hizo mucha ilusión escribirlo y rememorar mi viaje, ya que como os habréis imaginado por los posts que le he dedicado me encanta Nueva York, así que... espero que os guste!!!
Muchas gracias, Is!!!
Hi! Today I have a very special post about New York that has just been published at La 5th Con Bleecker St, a Spanish blog dedicated to New York which I have already recommended to you a couple of times.
It is my participation at the In Your Eyes section, where each person tells about their experience in New York through the pictures they took. You can see it HERE-sorry! it is only in Spanish, but I have tried the Google Translator and the translation, though far from good, is understandable:).I had a great time writing it while I remembered my holidays, cause as you will have imagined by the number of posts I have written on it, I just love New York. So... I hope you like it!!
Thank you very much, Is!!