Advent Calendar 2015: Christmas Book 7

Por Abilingualbaby @ABilingualBaby

This is not another Christmas story. In fact, it's not a story at all. Ferrándiz was a famous Spanish illustrator when I was a child. My family used to wish Merry Christmas to our family and friends by sending the Christmas cards he created. His illustrations remind me of my childhood, so, this is basically a book for those of us who grew up in the 70s in Spain and want to remember his illustrations and our childhood. It's written in Spanish and has recipes, Christmas carols, stickers, 8 Christmas cards and some poems. 
El libro de hoy no es una historia navideña, sino un homenaje a Ferrándiz. Cuando era pequeña, siempre felicitábamos las fiestas enviando postales y las que se llevaban la palma en casa eran las de Ferrándiz. Ahora ya se felicitan las fiestas por whatsapp, pero con este libro podemos enseñar a nuestros hijos esas ilustraciones de nuestra infancia. El libro contiene villancicos, recetas, 8 Christmas, adhesivos y algún poema. Pura nostalgia.