Luego de una cajita mala, Almabox regresa para querer conquistar nuestros corazones con la cajita de Agosto. Veamos si lo logra:
After a bad box, Almabox returns to want to conquer our hearts with the August box. Let's see if it succeeds:
ICONO - Gel Espuma Champaña
I hadn't yet the perfect time to use this product but I'm happy to have received, it seems glamorous, useful and perfect for pampering this month.
ABIGAIL - Esmalte
My first impression of this product was not good but we should not judge a book by its cover and was delighted after testing. It is ultra silver, good duration (7 days) and glamorous.
This was the only product in the box that I have received I did not like because I have a lot (of previous boxes) which were not finished.
KEVINGSTON - Body Splash
If I thought this brand could not get another scent that I like better than the one I'm using now, I could not be more wrong. It is perfection in a bottle and since it arrived I have in use.
FISIOGEL - Crema líquida
As I told you in the video I have a very particular history with this product so you have received it in a box of beauty filled me with happiness.
Esta cajita logró recuperar mi amor y puedo decirles que estoy un 90% feliz con su contenido. Quiero aprovechar para contarles que AlmaBox me convocó para hacer unos videos/reseña para su canal de YouTube a lo que accedí sin dudarlo y me gustaría hacer el pequeño disclaimer que no recibo dinero por este trabajo, lo hago por placer y diversión. Aquí el primer video:
This box was able to recover my love and I can say that I am 90% happy with its contents. I want to take this opportunity to tell you that AlmaBox invited me to make video reviews for their YouTube channel to which I agreed without hesitation and I would do a little disclaimer: I do not receive money for this job, I do it for pleasure and fun.
¿Qué opinan de esta cajita: les gustó el contenido, la compraron/la comprarían?What do you think of this "beauty box": did you like the content, would you buy it?
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Love and Rockets, FlaviaFlanders Facebook: /youcancallmeFLANDERS Twitter: @flaviaflanders