Art Ensemble of Chicago: Les stances a Sophie (1970)

Publicado el 07 junio 2011 por Peterpank @castguer

In general, I hate Jazz, probably because I’m a “musician” and I can’t play it. I found the Art Ensemble Of Chicago in the ’70?s when I was a punk. Something about them clicked with me, maybe it was the sheer disregard for dogma and that “anything goes” seemed to be the rule. Anyway, this is one one my all-time favorite pieces of music.
I call it “All Aboard For Duffy Town” because I don’t know the real title. This comes from a cassette copy of a long gone Delmarc double album. I bought it in the early ’80?s, but it dates from much earlier. I remember the two record set was mostly squalling noise, except for this. It’s evocative of a train ride through small town America, the spoken words are billborads, or the conductor announcing available stops. It morphs into a near parody of Jazz, not unlike cartoon music, but it swings like a mutha. I love it. Enjoy!.

Les stances a Sophie