Beginners Guide To Turinabol

Por Kira @un10enbelleza

Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) is an oral steroid, 17-alpha-methylated like all other oral steroids. This means that it's toxic to the liver and in some cases has even led to death in otherwise healthy individuals which makes turinabol a very hard steroid to take safely.

There are several things that can be done to limit the stress caused by turinabol on your body however they should not be taken as 100% safe but rather as steps you can take to lessen damage when running this particular steroid for extended periods of time.

These include things such as drinking plenty of water while supplementing with turinabol, taking milk thistle or Liv 52, using cardiovascular support supplements, and running a clean diet with good nutritional support.

Doing these things while on turinabol is not guaranteeing anything, but it can help reduce damage that will be done to the body. Keep in mind of course that nobody knows your body better than you so if you start feeling bad no matter how much water you're drinking or natural supplements you might be taking then discontinue use at once.

The ideal cycle length for this steroid when used responsibly is 8-12 weeks although many people run far shorter or longer cycles depending on their goals, some people even prefer to run this steroid everyday year round seeing as though it has very low toxicity levels (for most healthy adult men) in regards to liver enzyme production.

Turinabol aromatizes heavily so you should always have an aromatase inhibitor on hand when running this steroid. In addition to that, testosterone support products are a must because both steroids promote natural testosterone production and use it as the base of your cycle.

Turinabol is an oral 17-alpha alkylated (17-aa) anabolic steroid. It was developed in the 1960s by Jenapharm, which is a now-defunct East German pharmaceutical company. The name turinabol originates from the chemical names of both of its active components - 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone and methandienone (aka Dianabol).

Turinabol is structurally similar to methandienone, differing only in the chlorine atom attached at carbon positions 3 and 17 of the steroid structure. Turinabol has approximately 75% of the relative binding affinity of methyltestosterone to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), or about that of nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin).

One review found it to be about equipotent as methyltestosterone, both being approximately six times as anabolic as methandrostenolone (D-bol) and having the same affinity for the androgen receptor. In another study, however, it showed that it may have been closer to 20% less potent than methandienone in vivo . The same review determined that its affinity for the androgen receptor was slightly less than that of nandrolone decanoate.

Turinabol is a very mild steroid compared to other oral agents with little estrogen conversion or body tissue conversion to estrogen. It has a relatively low ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects, though this might only apply at equal dosages relative to other steroids. This would make it of interest to bodybuilders who are concerned about the relative amount of androgenic versus anabolic effects of their steroids. However, due to its mildness in terms of side effects, it has never gained widespread popularity as a bodybuilding steroid.

There are some studies that have measured the relative binding affinity (RBA) on the human muscle receptor level. These show for this particular drug that the RBA is approximately 6-7% of that for methandienone(aka Dianabol). That means if one 100mg tablet per day were stacked with 200mg/day testosterone enanthate, there would be no inhibition or inactivation in result but only an added 20-30mg/day effective dose in muscle tissue.

In other words, this makes turinabol a very ineffective steroid to stack with testosterone enanthate or cypionate! So it should never be stacked with other 17-aa steroids such as Dianabol or Anadrol 50 for this reason. This is because if you add the androgenic equivalent of 200mg/day testosterone into that mix, you will end up with nothing but estrogen conversion and little muscle tissue growth.

Turinabol has been found to bind weakly to the androgen receptor in vivo . If progesterone shows similar affinity for the androgen receptor, then this may serve to reduce Progesterone's overall action through competitive antagonism. In addition, like other 17alpha alkylated steroids, Turinabol is known to be resistant to the action of 5alpha-reductase. That means the enzyme cannot reduce the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) form to its more active androgenic metabolite dihydro-DHT.

This lack of reduction may result in a markedly increased activity for testosterone with this combination. The anabolic effect of testosterone is largely due to this metabolite acting on muscle tissue.The drug has been associated with steroid-positive tests by doping agencies due to contamination or intentional use as an undeclared drug .

Turinabol is usually taken 30-60 minutes prior to commencement of physical training at 25mg per day orally for around 6 weeks . It has also been used in the beginning of a steroid cycle to help ignite gains by way of faster conversion to testosterone.

It is also most often combined with Dianabol or Anadol for 6-8 weeks, at doses of 25mg every day or 50mg daily . It has also been used in conjunction with Equipoise for this purpose. But it should never be stacked with Deca Durabolin because you will have estrogen conversion and little muscle tissue growth.

Turinabol's half life is reported as 12 hours , but another study showed that its half life was 14-20 hours . This may mean that there are two major metabolites of this drug instead of one, like some other steroids that were shown to produce more than one metabolite (ex: dianabol).

Turinabol has been found to be resistant to the 5-alpha reductase enzyme . It does not break down into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but instead forms two unique metabolites. This is unlike DHT which is rapidly broken down by this enzyme. One of these metabolites, 2-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone , has shown a binding affinity for sex hormone binding globulin that was one third that of testosterone . This suggests very weak association with the steroid receptor compared to DHT.

The other metabolite produced is Methasterone which also shows no known anabolic activity. Turinabol is therefore considered to have extremely low androgenic activity in addition to being a progestin and a weak anti-aromatase agent.

It is said that large doses of this steroid for periods of 8 weeks at a time can be used to add quality muscle mass and reduce body fat , while maintaining good cardiovascular function. But these claims need to be further substantiated by clinical research before we can accept them as fact, but so far they have proven themselves to be true in the athletic world .

Turinabol was first developed in 1961 under East Germany's Military Research Center for special military purposes, which included increasing the soldiers' physical strength output.

The original purpose was to use it on men with very low levels of testosterone production due to complications from illnesses such as mumps orchitis, congenital hypogonadism, castration etc. It was later found to be suitable for healthy men that desired increased stamina and physical strength output.

The drug became famous in the 60's after East German female swimmers used it to improve their performance at Olympic Games. Although this abuse of non-pharmaceutical substances was banned in the 70's, Turinabol still remains popular among athletes because of its anabolic properties (it can build muscle mass).

It is available as tablets containing 5mgs/tab; users usually take two tablets daily, once in the morning and another one in the afternoon. One cycle lasts about 6-8 weeks depending upon doses used (20-40 mg per day). The major side effects are acne, liver and kidney damage and the steroid has a strong anabolic and androgenic effects.

Turinabol is detectable for about 9-12 months in the body after use, depending upon the dose used and on individuals' metabolic rates . An accurate detection period of Turinabol might be very hard (if not impossible) to determine because it does not break down into DHT but still shows metabolites via excretion. One study suggests that there are at least two major metabolites of this drug , one more beneficial than others; however further research is required to confirm these findings .