Ck one makeup

Por Miasfashionscrapbook

Cuando algunas de vosotras os disponíais a empezar vuestras vacaciones de Semana Santa, estaba teniendo lugar, en El Corte Ingles de Castellana, en Madrid, la presentación de la nueva linea de cosmética de Calvin Klein; CK One, cuya imagen fue la actriz Clara Lago. / When some of you were about to start your Easter Vacations, it was raking place, at El Corte Ingles department store in Madrid (Spain), the presentation of the new Calvin Klein cosmetic line; CK One, which image was the Spanish actress Clara Lago.

Esta linea de maquillaje cuenta con unos 130 productos dirigidos a mujeres y hombres de todas las edades y culturas, que quieran ser autenticas, y libres. Dentro de esta linea hay tres gamas distintas: la primera es mas natural, ¿cuantas veces te ha dicho un chico que le gustas mas al natural? a muchos de ellos no les gustan las chicas muy pintadas, y es aquí donde entra la gama "look real" de CK One; maquillada si pero sin que se note. La segunda es la linea "define yourself" que nace con la idea de realzar tus rasgos, nadie mejor que tu sabe que es lo que puedes realzar de tu rostro. Y la tercera es la mas fuerte, la mas colorida, la denominada "add intensity"; los productos son mas fuertes, coloridos, para que te atrevas a jugar, es ideal para un look de noche.  / This makeup line has around 130 products thought for women and men of all ages and cultures, that want to be real, and free. In this line there are three different range: the first one is the most natural, how many times has a boy tell you he likes you more natural? most of them don't like girls with too much makeup, and hear is were this takes part the line "look real" by CK One; make up yes but without notice it. The second one, is the "define yourself" that was born with the idea of define your features, no one better than you know what you can define of your face. And the last one is the most stronger, and colorful, named "Add intensity"; the products are more strong, colorful, to be able to play, it's great to use it at night.

Clara Lago iba muy guapa con una chaqueta de cuero negra, vaqueros, y zapatos de plataforma. / Clara Lago was very pretty wearing a black leather jacket jeans and platform shoes.

Para terminar ten en cuenta que esta linea se vende en exclusiva, en España, en El Corte Ingles. Si no vives en España seguramente en algún gran almacén de tu localidad que vendan la cosmetica de Calvin Klein, puedas encontrarla. Bueno y que, ¿te apetece probarla? ¿con cual de las tres gamas te quedas? / To end up be aware that you can find this line, in Spain, only at El Corte Ingles. If you are not in Spain, you might find it at any department store of your location where they have Calvin Klein cosmetics. And so what, do you feel to try it? which of the three lines it's for you?
Disfruta de esta Semana Santa, y pasatelo fenomenal. Nos vemos a la vuelta. / Enjoy this Easter!!! See you after it. Mia

All image are taking by me for Mia's Fashion Scrapbook.