Comienza el viaje Sofia – The trip starts Sofia

Por Bertusvicus

Pues ya está finalmente conseguimos el pasaporte el día 5 y el 6 nos pusimos en ruta por la mañana. Cogimos el tren y nuestro primer destino fue Sofia. Este es un viaje que había hecho hace años desde Praga a Estambul por tierra y tenía ganas de repetirlo, aunque esta vez en lugar de salir de Bucarest salimos de Craiova. Si eres una persona que disfruta no solo de los viajes si no también del trayecto, y además eres un apasionado de la naturaleza los paisajes que vas a ver desde el tren según te vas acercando a Sofia son impresionantes al pasar entre barrancos, montañas, valles. Todo un lujazo para la vista.

Después de varias horas de viaje y transbordo, llegamos a Sofía, la cual había estado por última vez en 2008, y con ganas de ver cómo había cambiado. A la llegada como la estación de autobuses se encuentra al lado de la de trenes, compramos ya los billetes de autobús para Estambul para el día siguiente. Es más barato viajar en autobús y más rápido en comparación con el tren, “sólo” 7 horas en comparación de las 9 del tren. Además que la compañía que habíamos escogido, metro turizm, sirven un pequeño tentempié para comer y bebidas gratis, tienen también el extra que tienes pantallas personalizadas para ver diferentes películas en versión original y más opciones como juegos, música. En fin que si quieres no te vas a aburrir. Ah y lo mejor de todo el precio, nos salió por 25 euros cada uno el viaje de Sofía a Estambul. Solucionado el tema del transporte, nos fuimos a nuestra pensión.

Nuestro alojamiento estaba bastante bien situado entre la estación de tren y el centro así pues no perdíamos tiempo cogiendo transportes locales, ni averiguando como se usaban 🙂 al mismo tiempo tuvimos la suerte que nos dieron una habitación para tres (habíamos reservado para dos) y sin coste extra. También tienes varios sitios para comer al lado de este, nuestro gran descubrimiento fue la panadería/cafetería Furna que estaba en la calle de atrás del alojamiento en dirección al centro. Si os alojáis por la zona o pasáis tenéis que probar la comida allí muy rica.

Desayuno – Breakfast

Como estábamos sólo un día esa misma tarde nos fuimos a ver el centro como primera toma de contacto y para poder estirar las piernas que hacía falta 🙂 No teníamos ninguna dirección en concreto solamente caminar por el casco histórico y ver la Iglesia de Alexander Nevski. Según íbamos ascendiendo por el bulevar Todor Aleksandrov, descubrimos los restos de la antigua ciudad romana Serdika, que se extienden por una gran parte de esta zona, los puedes ver alrededor del metro, debajo de los ministerios, en espacios abiertos, y todo bien documentado con explicaciones de lo que es cada parte. Este complejo está rodeado de otros edificios no menos importantes e interesantes como son los edificios del congreso, ministerios, banco nacional. De las ruinas fuimos al mercado local, el cual ha sido renovado, cerca del mismo se encuentra la mezquita y el museo de historia, de allí fuimos a ver la iglesia de Alexander Nevski y nos volvimos para buscar un sitio para comer cerca de nuestra pensión para poder ir después a descansar.

Santa Sofía – Saint Sofia

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Sofia" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499421703","copyright":"","focal_length":"200","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0005","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Santa Sofía - Saint Sofia" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3032" data-large-file="" />

Santa Sofía – Saint Sofia

Encontramos por casualidad un restaurante que estaba muy bien y resultó ser muy popular y con una terraza muy bonita, ni que decir de la comida que estaba muy buena. Por si pasáis por la zona el nombre es Garden Sava, cerca de la plaza Vazrazhdane. Para los amantes de la cerveza, tienen cerveza de la república checa además de las locales 😉 Una vez cenados pa caminata que nos habíamos levantado temprano y acostado tarde. Además que nos esperaba un viaje en autobús por la noche y pasando fronteras así que teníamos que descansar.

A la mañana siguiente nos fuimos a desayunar a Furna, vanitsa con queso fresco, puerro y tomate acompañado de café latte y un croissant de chocolate con un expreso. Cargadas energías, nos fuimos de nuevo a ver el casco viejo en profundidad. Empezamos por visitar la iglesia de San Jorge, alrededor de la cual se ha construido el edificio de la presidencia. Es fácil de encontrar sólo tienes que seguir los tours gratuitos que entran en el edificio todo el tiempo 😉 La iglesia es el edificio más viejo de la ciudad que sigue en funcionamiento, fue construido hace más de 2400 años, en la época de los romanos, la cual fue construida previamente sobre un templo pagano, y en la época de los otomanos lo convirtieron en una mezquita, para purificar el templo pagano (Cristiano)… El edificio es pequeño y sencillo en su construcción, pero no por ello menos interesante en su historia.

Después de la iglesia nos dirigimos al teatro nacional para seguir por la iglesia rusa de San Nicolas el hacedor de milagros (Sus milagros no pasan por acortar el nombre) y siguiendo con la temática rusa, seguimos por el bulevard del Zar Osvoboditel (el libertador) para ver la estatua del mismo nombre. Por cierto el libertador se considera que fue el Zar Alejandro II, que luchó con los Otomanos y consiguió la independencia de los búlgaros. Su objetivo principal era controlar el estrecho del Bósforo y tener acceso al mar Mediterráneo, pero los británicos se metieron de por medio y le frustraron los planes cuando estaban a sólo 10 km de Estambul.

Estatua del zar – Tsar statue

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Estatua del zar – Tsar statue" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499425566","copyright":"","focal_length":"32","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Estatua del zar - Tsar statue" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3042" data-large-file="" />

Estatua del zar – Tsar statue

Una vez visto todas las esculturas que tiene el monumento, vaya cantidad de detalle, seguimos caminando y paseando por algunos parques, donde se encuentra la biblioteca, el teatro de Sofía (si otro teatro), hasta llegar al museo de historia militar, para recordar mi etapa de aficionado a la historia militar y de las maquetas que hacía 🙂 No entramos dentro y vimos sólo la exhibición que está fuera que corresponde a los vehículos y armas que han pasado por manos del ejército búlgaro, el cual es una mezcla de varios países principalmente ruso y alemán, aunque también existen otros como tanques checos y franceses (que previamente fueron capturados por los alemanes, por aquella también se llevaba lo de reciclar) El viaje en sí merece la pena si eres un forofo de la historia militar, si no, no lo recomendaría ya que está un poco apartado de otras zonas interesantes que ver y no hay nada más en la zona para visitar.

Ya pasado el medio día andábamos un poco con hambre y fuimos dirección al centro para encontrar algo para comer, pasando el graaaan parque Boris ¡El cual tiene dos estadios de futbol!. No sé si es el más grande de la ciudad, pero bien podría serlo y bastante bonito e interesante para ver y relajarse. Cerca del parque encontramos un restaurante Grodz para ir a comer, el menú ponía que era comida tradicional, aunque la verdad no parecía mucho, y era con un toque de modernidad, aunque no quita que estaba bueno.

gnam gnam

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="gnam gnam" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499438083","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.00625","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="gnam gnam" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3028" data-large-file="" />

gnam gnam

Para acabar nuestra visita volvimos a la iglesia de Alexander Nevski, y esta vez para visitarla por dentro. El interior es igual de impresionante que el exterior, con su cúpula inmensa, las columnas, sus frescos y sus objetos religiosos. Una visita que no hay que perderse en Sofía y un buen recuerdo de boca para dejar la ciudad.

Alexander Nevski

" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Alexander Nevski 3" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"9","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499446352","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Alexander Nevski" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3038" data-large-file="" />

Alexander Nevski

Nos fuimos a buscar nuestras cosas y directos para la estación de autobuses, donde nos gastamos las últimas monedas y billetes que teníamos en el supermercado para aprovisionarnos y tener algo para desayunar y algunos aperitivos para cuando fuera necesario.

El autobús llegó con antelación y pudimos dejar nuestras maletas e irnos a sentar y tratar de dormir, en esa larga noche que nos esperaba, aún sin saberlo…

Que hacer en Sofía en un día:

  • Iglesia Alexander Nevski
  • Sinagoga de Sofía
  • Mezquita de Sofía
  • Museo de historia
  • Pasear por la calle Tsar Ivan Shishman y tomar/comer algo en uno de sus locales.
  • Pasear por el parque Borisova
  • Pasear por la calle Tsar Osvoboditel
  • Visitar la iglesia de Sofía
  • Museo del ejército (si te gusta la historia militar)
  • Ver la iglesia de San Jorge (el edificio más antiguo de la ciudad)

Teatro – Theater

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Teatro – Theater" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499424591","copyright":"","focal_length":"28","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Teatro - Theater" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3034" data-large-file="" />

Teatro – Theater

Tanque checo… Czech tank…

" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Tanque checo… Czech tank…" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499433413","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.00625","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Tanque checo... Czech tank..." srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3033" data-large-file="" />

Tanque checo… Czech tank…

San Jorge – Saint George

" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="San Jorge – Saint George" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499423181","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="San Jorge - Saint George" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3031" data-large-file="" />

San Jorge – Saint George

Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499421940","copyright":"","focal_length":"22","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3029" data-large-file="" />

Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica

Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol – Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol – Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499430073","copyright":"","focal_length":"66","iso":"125","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol - Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3041" data-large-file="" />

Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol – Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside


" data-orig-size="903,600" title="Bulgaria" data-image-title="Bulgaria" data-orig-file="" style="width: 346px; height: 230px;" itemprop="" height="230" width="346" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="230" alt="Bulgaria" data-original-width="346" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499336701","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-large-file="" />

So here we are, we finally got the passport on the 5th and on the 6th in the morning we left. We took the train and our first destination was Sofia. This is a trip I did years ago from Prague to Istanbul, by land, and I wanted to do it all over again, except this time instead of leaving from Bucharest, we left from Craiova. If you enjoy not only the trip, but as well the route, and if you love nature, the landscapes you will see from the train on the way to Sofia are impressive, passing by cliffs, mountains, valleys. Everything is a treat for the eyes.

After a few hours of travelling and transfer, we arrived to Sofia, where I´ve been for the last time in 2008, and I was curious to see how it changed. When we arrived, given that the bus station is near the train station, we bought the bus tickets to Istanbul for the next day. It´s cheaper and faster to go by bus, “only” 7 hours compared to the 9 by train. Besides, the bus company we chose, Metro Turizm, gives a little snack and drink for free, each seat has its own screen, so you can watch movies, play games or listen to music. So no chance for you to get bored. Oh and the best of all is the price, the trip from Sofia to Istanbul was 25 euros each. Since we had solved the transport issue, we went to our pension.

Our accommodation had a pretty good location between the train station and the center, so we did not waste time taking the public transportation, nor finding out how to use it J in the same time, we were lucky to get a room for three people  (we had reserved only a room for two) without an extra cost. There are as well a few options to eat near this place, our big discovery was the bakery/coffee place Furna, that was on the street behind our accommodation, direction to the center. If you will stay in that area or just pass by, you need to try the very tasty food they have.

Desayuno – Breakfast

Since we were spending only one day in Sofia, the same afternoon we went to see the center, as a first contact with the city, and stretch our legs after the long trip ;). We didn´t have any specific direction, just to walk in the old town and see the Alexander Nevski church. Going up on Todor Aleksandrov boulevard, we discovered the ruins of the old roman city Serdika, that cover a big part of this area of the city, you can see them around the metro stop, under the Ministry buildings, in open spaces, and everything is well presented and explained. This complex is surrounded by other buildings, not less important or interesting, such as the Congress´ building, the national bank.  From the ruins we went to the local market, which was renovated, then to the mosque and the history museum close by, and from there we went to see the Alexander Nevski church and went back to find a place to eat, close to our pension, so that we go later to have a good rest.

We found by chance a very good restaurant that was actually quite popular and with a very nice terrace, no need to add that the food was very good. If you pass by this area, the name is Garden Sava, close to Vazrazhdane square. For the beer lovers, they have Czech beer, besides the local ones ;). After dinner, we went straight to bed because we woke up early and went to sleep late. Besides this, a night bus trip was awaiting, crossing borders, so we had to rest.

Santa Sofía – Saint Sofia

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Sofia" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499421703","copyright":"","focal_length":"200","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0005","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Santa Sofía - Saint Sofia" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3032" data-large-file="" />

Santa Sofía – Saint Sofia

Next morning we had breakfast at Furna, banitsa with fresh cheese, leek and tomatoes, with café latte and a chocolate croissant with espresso. With full batteries, we went again to the old town, and took our time visiting it. We started with St. George church, which is surrounded by the Presidency building. It´s easy to find, you just need to follow all the free tours  that go into the building all the time ;). The church is the oldest functional building in the city, it was built more than 2400 years ago, in the era of the romans, and it was built over a pagan temple, in the ottoman times, they transformed it into a mosque, to purify the pagan temple (Christian)… The building is small and simple, but this does not make its history less interesting.

After the church, we walked by the National Theater  towards the Russian church Saint Nicolas the Miracle-Maker (making names shorter was not one of his miracles) and we continued with the Russian theme, on the Tsar Osvoboditel boulevard ( the liberator) to see his statue. By the way, it is thought that the liberator was Tsar Alexander II, that fought against the Ottomans and got the independence of the Bulgarians. His main objective was to control the Bosphorus strait  and have access to the Mediterranean sea, but the British intervened and  spoiled his plans when he was only 10 km away from Istanbul.

Estatua del zar – Tsar statue

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Estatua del zar – Tsar statue" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499425566","copyright":"","focal_length":"32","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Estatua del zar - Tsar statue" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3042" data-large-file="" />

Estatua del zar – Tsar statue

Once you have seen all the sculptures of the monument, such amount of detail, we continue walking and passing through some parks, where were the library, Sofia theater (yes, another theater), to finally reach the military history museum, in order to remember my stage of amateur studies of military history and scale models that I was doing 🙂 We did not go inside of the building and we just saw the exhibition that is outside corresponding to vehicles and weapons that have passed through the hands of the Bulgarian army, which is a mixture of several countries, mainly Russian and German, although there are also vehicles from other countries such as Czech and French (which were previously captured by the Germans, during that time recycling was also important). The trip itself is worth it if you are a fan of military history, if not, I would not recommend it to go there as it is a bit out of the way from other interesting areas to see and there is nothing else in the area to visit.

It was already pass midday and we were starting to be a bit hungry so we went back to the center to find something to eat. We pass through the greeeaaaaaat park Boris which has even two football stadiums!. I do not know if it’s the biggest in town, but it might be, as well is quite nice and interesting to see and relax there. Near the park we found Grodz  restaurant to go to for lunch, in the menu was written that was traditional food, although the truth did not seem too much traditional, and the food had a touch of modernity, but never the least the food was really good.

gnam gnam

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="gnam gnam" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499438083","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.00625","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="gnam gnam" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3028" data-large-file="" />

gnam gnam

To finish our visit to Sofia we returned to Alexander Nevsky’s church, and this time to visit it inside. The interior is just as impressive as the exterior, with its immense dome, columns, frescoes and religious objects. A visit not to be missed in Sofia and a good feeling to leave the city.

Alexander Nevski

" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Alexander Nevski 3" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"9","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499446352","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Alexander Nevski" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3038" data-large-file="" />

Alexander Nevski

We went to get our stuff and direct to the bus station, where we spent the last money that we had at the supermarket to stock up some food and have something to eat for breakfast and some snacks for when they were needed.

The bus arrived in advance and we were able to leave our bags and go to sit and try to sleep, on that long night that was waiting us, even without knowing it …

What to do in Sofia in one day:

  • Alexander Nevski Church
  • Synagogue of Sofia
  • Sofia Mosque
  • History Museum
  • Walk through Tsar Ivan Shishman Street and have something to eat / drink in one of their premises.
  • Strolling through Borisova Park
  • Stroll along Tsar Osvoboditel Street
  • Visit the church of Sofia
  • Army Museum (if you like military history)
    See St. George’s Church (the oldest building in the city)

Teatro – Theater

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Teatro – Theater" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499424591","copyright":"","focal_length":"28","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Teatro - Theater" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3034" data-large-file="" />

Teatro – Theater

Tanque checo… Czech tank…

" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Tanque checo… Czech tank…" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499433413","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.00625","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Tanque checo... Czech tank..." srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3033" data-large-file="" />

Tanque checo… Czech tank…

San Jorge – Saint George

" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="San Jorge – Saint George" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499423181","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="San Jorge - Saint George" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3031" data-large-file="" />

San Jorge – Saint George

Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499421940","copyright":"","focal_length":"22","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3029" data-large-file="" />

Ruinas romanas Serdica, Roman ruins Serdica

Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol – Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside

" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol – Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499430073","copyright":"","focal_length":"66","iso":"125","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol - Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3041" data-large-file="" />

Donde me gustaría estar cuando hace 38 grados al sol – Where I would like to be when there are 38 degrees outside


" data-orig-size="903,600" title="Bulgaria" data-image-title="Bulgaria" data-orig-file="" style="width: 346px; height: 230px;" itemprop="" height="230" width="346" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="230" alt="Bulgaria" data-original-width="346" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499336701","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-large-file="" />
Bulgaria Anuncios