Cómo personalizar tu historia de Instagram

Publicado el 17 abril 2020 por Pisofincasa @PisoFinCasa

Lo más destacado de la historia de Instagram ha sido un recurso que algunas marcas han utilizado para su ventaja. Sin embargo, este campo tiene un Cómo personalizar tu historia de Instagram ➤ potencial increíble para comunicarse con los clientes y, sin embargo, algunos no saben cómo aprovecharlo.

Por ejemplo, una técnica efectiva es anticipar posibles preguntas de los seguidores y dejarlas en esta sección. Pero, ¿cómo hacerlo de manera atractiva? A continuación, explicaré cómo explotar este valioso recurso de esta red social.

Cómo personalizar tu historia de Instagram

¿Qué es lo más destacado de la historia de Instagram?

Los aspectos más destacados de la historia de Instagram son una herramienta valiosa para comunicar un evento y contacto con su audiencia, etc. Su función es similar a la de los estados de WhatsApp. Cuando decides "resaltar una historia", la dejas disponible para tus seguidores durante más de 24 horas. Para que de alguna manera pueda convertirse en una carta de presentación para su marca.

The cover of your featured stories needs to be consistent. This will give you a more professional and attractive image.

¿Cómo personalizar los puntos destacados de la historia de Instagram?

When placing Instagram story Highlights, you must make everything related. For example, have you seen the same soccer team with different flannel colors? If you have seen it, it surely confused, and of course it was not a professional team. Similarly, when placing stories, you should share a similar layout. This gives professionalism to your brand or profile.

Some use the same background color, typography, etc., in each story. To achieve this effect, you can resort to other applications, one of the most used is Canva. It can be used without installing it on your computer. It is important to note that the same social network Instagram offers you a wide variety of design options, you can browse the whole place and use it to design your featured stories.

Decide cuál es el objetivo de tus momentos destacados de la historia de Instagram.

Por ejemplo, algunos deciden anticiparse a las preguntas de sus seguidores, por lo que utilizan esta sección como consejo. Esto permite a los usuarios obtener información inmediata y sentirse bien atendidos en el menor tiempo posible. Otros usuarios de la red social la utilizan para promocionar algunos concursos, eventos, etc.

It is time to shine your profile. You should know that you need to be open to communicate with your followers. Therefore, you can use this section for various purpose. If you are dedicated in all aspects, your profile will surely look very professional.

This section is very useful to promote an event that you are managing. The hashtags return any campaign or contest a novelty. We usually see on television shows that they use the famous labels to promote themselves. So, you can do the same.

If you have extensive content generated by your followers, you can give something to talk about if you put a "#" on your stories. You can even collect your followers' shares and make them known to the public. It is a great way to bring pride in your audience and a bond with them.

Although those who follow you know your name. If you share a wide variety of content, products, etc., your followers can get lost in that vast sea of ​​content. For this reason, this section allows you to offer specific information about what you sell in an organized way. In this way, consumers can take advantage of all your innovations.

Using this section to guide and direct your followers is a great idea. We know that in the profile they can find a great diversity of content of interest. However, sometimes doubts arise regarding an event, product, etc. You can stay up to date with the most frequently asked questions and place answers.

Another great feature for your permanent Instagram stories is to post consumers' comments. This will add credibility to your brand. Besides, you will praise your followers for the fact that you have highlighted some of them as star consumers.

Some brands take advantage of this section to give curious information regarding their products. You may find it useful to mention some tricks of great interest. Depending on the name of your Instagram account, you can implement some ideas that add value to your content, products, etc.

Showing the most human side of you is sensational. Some entrepreneurs show the process of making a product and thus allow consumers to be interested in their business name. Celebrities usually show themselves in the recording process, without makeup, sharing with friends at home, etc. These are great ideas for making your followers feel identified with you.

If after a while you want to edit any of your stories, you should know that doing it is very simple, I will explain it step by step:

Es importante tener en cuenta que al editar puede eliminar la imagen de la historia e incluso puede agregar una nueva. El panel de edición se abrirá nuevamente. Después de editar su preferencia, debe darle donde dice "listo" para que la historia se edite completamente y sus seguidores tengan acceso a la historia editada.
