¿Te acuerdas de la modelo Crystal Renn? Si si, la que se hizo famosa por ser la única top de talla grande que desfilaba en el circuito internacional y que posaba en editoriales y portadas para los mejores fotógrafos.
Pues es la misma que ves en la portada de arriba. Vogue México nos muestra como Crystal es, de nuevo, mucho más delgada. Y es que la historia de esta chica viene de atrás. Comenzó adelgazando una barbaridad en dos años - unos 40 kilos - para obtener la talla exigida en ese momento en las pasarelas: La talla Cero.Era una modelo más hasta que comenzó a ganar curvas, sus redondeces la llevaron al éxito.
Hasta escribió un libro contando toda su historia, un libro que tituló "Hungry". Inspirador.
Sin embargo ahora está delgada de nuevo. Demasiado dicen algunos. Cuando desfiló el pasado febrero para Jean Paul Gaultier saltaron todas las alarmas. Ella dijo que sentía mucha presión por mantener sus curvas. La misma presión que sentía en sus inicios por mantenerse en la talla cero.Esta temporada es imagen de Jimmy Choo, y hace unos días nos enteramos que lo será también de J.Crew.
Y ahora reaparece en la portada de Vogue México vestida de neón. A ella le da igual, o eso dice.
Y tu, ¿Qué piensas?--------Crystal Renn started her modeling career in fashion at the age of 14.Renn was told she would need to lose almost a third of her total body weight if she wanted to become a model. Later, after years of anorexia nervosa, Renn reassessed her diet and exercise habits.After gaining 70 pounds and re-emerging as a U.S. size 12, she was re-marketed by her agents as a plus-size model. Renn has authored a book, Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves, about her experiences in the fashion industry in relation to her several body type transformations.Now, the supermodel, 24, who has spoken frankly in the past about her fluctuating weight, appears on the April issue of the Mexican edition of the glossy magazine in a figure-hugging orange dress. And she seems more thinny than before.Her success indicates that this is a weight that she is comfortable with - and with high-profile campaigns for J Crew, Lord & Taylor and Jimmy Choo this year alone, it seems the fashion industry can't get enough of her.But the reaction to her newly slim physique was not without controversy. Miss Renn faced a storm of criticism when she shed her plus-size curves last year.She said: 'I think that by placing a title on my head - which is plus size - and the picture that people have placed in their mind about what plus size is - I'll basically fail you just with that. Because I couldn't possibly live up to that.'And at this point in my life, I would actually have to have another eating disorder to live up to that expectation.'She continued to talk about the pressures that caused her to have anorexia when she first started modelling at the age of 14 after she was spotted by a model scout in her hometown of Clinton, Mississippi.'I don't want young women to think being thin is the only way to be beautiful. Beauty is not a pant size. I'm known for my body and I'm proud of my body.'