Cuestionario: Nicolas Mahler

Publicado el 14 marzo 2012 por Cabezabajo @blogdecomics
Cuestionario: Nicolas Mahler

3 cómics favoritos
I do not have any " 3 favorites" in any category, so I am just typing what comes to mind randomly.
It also mighte be completely different...
- old: Krazy Kat
- new: Shrimpy and Paul and friends, Marc Bell
- last good read: Market day, James Sturm
3 películas favoritas
- old: early Marx Brothers
- some Werner Herzog
3 libros favoritos
- most of Thomas Bernhard,
- some cheesy auto-biography (the Helmut Berger one is quite good)
- and John Waters is a better writer than film-maker.

3 discos favoritos
- Most of Tom Waits
- Pj harvey- Captain Beefheart
3 platos de comida favoritos
1. nothing
2. to
3. expensive
3 webs favoritas

Personaje de ficción favorito
- Dios

Ciudad favorita (Real o de ficción)- Todavía por descubrir