Lanzado por: Nonesuch
Titulo: Noah Music From The Motion Picture - Music By Clint Mansell
Compositor y Varios Artistas: Clint Mansell (Requiem of a Dream, Black Swan, The Fountain, The Wrestler) en colaboración con el Quarteto Kronos. Tambien incluye la cancion original "Mercy Is" interpretada por Patti Smith.
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 25 Marzo de 2014
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Estreno en cines Españoles: 4 de Abril 2014
Sinopsis: Basada en el pasaje bíblico dedicado al Arca de Noé, el hombre elegido por Dios para realizar una gran tarea antes de que haya una inundación apocalíptica que destruya la Tierra.
1. In The Beginning,There Was Nothing
2. The World Was Filled With Violence
3. The End Of All Flesh Is Before Me
4. Sweet Savour
5. The Fallen Ones
6. For Seasons, And For Days, And Years
7. Make Thee An Ark
8. Every Creeping Thing That Creeps
9. I Will Destroy Them
10. Flesh Of My Flesh
11. The Wickedness Of Man
12. In Sorrow Thou Shalt Bring Forth Children
13. Your Eyes Shall Be Opened,And Ye Shall Be As Gods
14. The Flood Waters Were Upon The World
15. By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed
16. The Judgement Of Man
17. The Spirit Of The Creator Moved Upon The Face Of The Waters
18. Forty Days And Nights
19. What Is This That Thou Hast Done?
20. The Fear And The Dread Of You
21. And He Remembered Noah
22. Day And Night Shall Not Cease
23. Mercy Is – Patti Smith