Deus Ex Machina - Deus Ex Machina (1992)

Publicado el 11 marzo 2020 por Moebius

Y seguimos a puro rock progresivo italino con parte de lo mejor y menos conocido de la península ibérica, odo gracias a los aportes inestimables del Mago Alberto. Aquí el disco homónimo de los  Deus Ex Machina. Y noscuenta el Mago Alberto: "una banda muy particular porque mantiene vivo el estilo que supo imprimirle PFM a la gran movida tana, pero con detalles más particulares: sonido bien setentoso, partiendo del Hammond y guitarras bien progresivas, pero si tenemos que destacar algo es el timbre de voz de su cantante. Y además lo novedoso de que sus letras son en latin, detalles que los mete de lleno en una de las apariciones más originales del rock peninsular italiano, justo cuando en la década de los 90s había una especie de sequia mundial musical en este estilo, aparecen los Deus Ex Machina, para refrescar el panorama"... Miren que cuando el río suena o el Mago recomienda, por algo será!
Artista: Deus Ex MachinaÁlbum: Deus Ex Machina
Año: 1992
Género: Progresivo ecléctico / Progresivo italiano
Duración: 45:54
Nacionalidad: Italia
El Mago Alberto trae un disco que habían pedido en el chat, y con esto seguimos con un nivel musical muy alto. No tenemos tiempo de darle mucha vuelta, acá dejo el comentario de Alberto y vamos al disco...

Nada es casualidad en la vida, por eso justo cuando estaba a punto de compartir Accordo dei Contrari y Deus Ex Machina aparece un cabezón pidiendo algo de esta última, así que invertimos la subida y vamos con Deus, una banda muy particular porque mantiene vivo el estilo que supo imprimirle PFM a la gran movida tana, pero con detalles más particulares, que a continuación detallo, el sonido es bien setentoso, partiendo del Hammond, las guitarras deambulan por fraseos conocidos también del progresivo, pero si tenemos que destacar es el timbre de voz de su cantante, una obvia comparación para nosotros con el de Alvaro Cañada del Contraluz de "Americanos", una voz que produjo un shock en el rock argentino en su momento, y que seguro también habrá acontecido en Italia. Y lo novedoso de que sus letras son en latin, detalles que los mete de lleno en una de las apariciones más originales del rock peninsular italiano, justo cuando en la década de los 90s había una especie de sequia mundial musical en este estilo, aparecen los Deus Ex Machina, para refrescar el panorama. Durante mucho años esta banda deambuló por circuitos muy reducidos, conservando ese halo casi under que siempre acompaña la difusión boca en boca. El material de DEM no está muy al alcance de todo el mundo, pero en la Escuelita de Moe casi todo lo clandestino tiene cabida. Este segundo trabajo de los DEM nos muestra a una banda multifacética, multinstrumental, no manejan una estructura lineal en sus composiciones, y sus canciones pasan de estructuras básicas a estructuras más ambiguas, típicas de bandas como Yes o King Crimson, donde se navega de guitarras acústicas con tintes clásicos a bloques abarrotados de instrumentos al palo. Su cantante le da un tinte más fuerte al estilo de la banda pero el laburo de su guitarrista es otro punto a destacar, quienes se interesen en DEM no van a salir defraudados, ésta es una banda que puede gustar de inmediato, y eso es también otra virtud que muy pocos poseen.
Mago Alberto

Algún comentario en inglés no viene mal...

DEUS EX MACHINA's second album might not be as complex, innovative or insane ( it's still all of those things though) as what would follow but this is one of my favs from them. Just a killer album that reminds me of only one other band, and that is AREA. Alberto is his usual passionate self on vocals as we get lots of violin, guitar and keyboards along with the outstanding rhythm section. These guys are amazing players.
"Ad Montem" is quiet at first with the violin soloing away as it builds. Silence after 2 1/2 minutes then it kicks in after 3 minutes. Organ too. Vocals before 4 minutes as it settles back some. Another calm 5 minutes in. Ripping guitar late. "Vacuum" has intricate guitar melodies to start. Nice. Vocal melodies come in then it picks up after 1 1/2 minutes with vocals. This is good. The guitar is great 4 minutes in during this instrumental section. Violin follows. Vocals around 5 minutes to end it. "M.A." is a short piece with acoustic guitar melodies. "Hostis" is heavy with guitar then violin. Vocals before 1 1/2 minutes. It settles after 3 1/2 minutes but not for long. The guitar is really good 5 minutes in after the vocals stop.
"Cor Mio" sounds amazing when it picks up 1 1/2 minutes in. How good is this ! The guitar solos late. The rhythm section sounds great early on in "Si Tu Bene Valeas Ego Bene Valeo". Vocals after 1 1/2 minutes as it settles some. Contrasts continue. The last 2 minutes are incredible, very intense. "Lo Stato Delle Cose" opens with acoustic guitar then the sound gets fuller with vocals. Nice Zeuhl-like rhythm 2 1/2 minutes in. Fantastic intrumental section after 5 minutes. Vocals are back then more instrumental insanity follows. "Deus Ex Machina" is my favourite. It's laid back to start as vocals join in. It kicks in with some steller drum and bass work. So good ! Passionate vocal melodies before 4 minutes and some killer organ a minute later. Then the guitar lights it up and more impressive drumming follows. "Omega" is a short but powerful instrumental to end it.
Easily 4 stars and an album i'll be spinning often.
John Davie

A fascinating Bologna-based group,DEUS EX MACHINA were formed in 1985 and released a good concept debut album in 1991,entitled ''Gladium Caeli'' with a somewhat excessive style of both playing and singing.A year later their sophomore eponymous debut was published.In ''Deus ex machina'' classic and progressive rock meet the fusion side of music.For your own translation,the early heavy rock style of bands like OSANNA and OSAGE TRIBE is mixed with interesting acoustic guitars,beautiful synths and very dramatic vocals in the vein of AREA's Demetrio Stratos.The whole attractive package is supported by the fusion-like intricate interplays,the energetic rhythm section and the numerous violin passages,not unlike MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA.Finally and with a more ''studio-oriented'' sound DEUS EX MACHINA have offered us a unique,complicated and well-performed album,showcasing their even more brighter future.A strongly recommended work.
The first number drew my attention as it gradually increase in tension and evolved into the most memorable "song"on this album. The following pieces add up, if not in quality, at least in form of personnal expression. But I must say that by the 2/3 of the album , I lose interest and when it is over, I am very happy that it is so. Live in Verviers in early 04 , their music is very much like this album, and the singer apparently has everything to say in this band. He directs everything in musical directions but also decides at what level his colleagues should play for I have seen him tune down both the amp for the bassist and the guitarist. I did not see the soundman (as I was standing behind him) tell him to do so. Anyway , this is a normal Italian prog band with a harder sound than most of its contemporaries.
Sean Trane
I mostly agree with the inimitable Mr. Chantraine's review of this album, but would like to add my own spin as well.
Definitely the first few tracks are the best, with the first track and Hostis standing out. M.A. is also a nice acoustic and violin number. Past Hostis things start to get a bit heavy going, not because the music is overly complex (though it is quite complex), but because it starts to seem a bit too homogeneous. This would not be an issue on the next album, but here I find my attention wavering after the first few songs. Still, the title track (also the namesake song of the band) is quite good and seems to be a bit of a showcase for their then new drummer near the end of the song. The final track is kind of cool, but a bit too odd and repetitive. Maybe not the best way to end the album.
This album suffers from the same lack of volume as the previous one (at least my copy does), only now it is even quieter than before! I find that I can turn my volume up to the maximum setting and it is not even all that loud (most CD's I can't turn up this high or they are way too loud). The overall mix is better though, and the instruments all sound good (not distortions like on the previous album). This one sounds like a studio album at least, with half decent production values (other than the volume issue of course).
Piras is a bit less shrill here, perhaps due to the improved recording quality. There are still some harsh moments, but in general I love his singing on here. It would really be the next album, however, until he reaches a kind of perfection (for me) with his vocalizations.
All in all, not a bad album, but not really for anyone other than fans of the other albums. I'd still recommend starting with the next album, De Republica, as that is their masterpiece in my mind. But not a bad album, and a solid 3 stars.
Mike G.
Y no olviden de agradecerle al Mago Alberto aunque se la pase bardeándome.

Lista de Temas:
1. Ad montem
2. Vacuum
3. M.A.
4. Hostis
5. Cor Mio
6. Si Tu Bene Valeas Ego Bene Valeo
7. Lo Stato Delle Cose
8. Deus Ex Machina
9. Omega

- Claudio Trotta / drums
- Alessandro Porre Porreca / bass
- Maurino Collina / guitar
- Alessandro Bonetti / violin
- Luigi Riccia Ricciardiello / keyboards
- Alberto Piras / vocals