Materiales:- 3 Patrones de lunas, nubes y estrellas en hojas previamente recortados (los he sacado de google imágenes, el tamaño a elección)- 3 Fieltros de colores diferentes (a elección)- 1 Aro de madera o un palo de madera (a la final he usado de percha de ropa) - 3 Hilos de los mismos colores del fieltro- 1 Nilón- Tijera, bolígrafo o algo para marcar el prototipo del móvil. Materials:- 3 patterns of moons, clouds and stars in previously cut sheets (I've taken from google images, the size of your choice)- 3 Felts three different colors (a choice)- 1 wooden ring or a wooden stick (the end I used clothes hanger)- 3 wire of the same colors of felt- 1 Nylon- Scissors, pen or something to mark the prototype mobile.
At first I was going to use a wooden ring to the base of the phone, but as I saw the way I preferred to make the wooden stick a coat hanger and paint it white in this case. To attach the mobile I preferred instead to use a nylon rope and hang the base figures I used nylon. Measures nylon cord and can be a choice and need of each person according to the space you have.