“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?”

Publicado el 01 octubre 2018 por Orgon

Original article at https://ethericwarriors.com/2018/09/23/4688/

"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it."

George Orwell, from "1984", 1949

September 1, 2018 - Chicago, IL - The city has seen a total of 1,629 shootings so far this year, which marks a 16 percent decrease over the same time period last year, when 1,960 shootings were tallied, CPD said. The department also touted a 15 percent drop in robberies so far this year.

Tout - verb - 1. attempt to sell (something), typically by pestering people in an aggressive or bold manner.

It's September 2018, and crime rates are dropping to the lowest levels in history around the globe.

There is an also-global news blackout in place on the subject, and one of its strict rules is that a

story never mention that such decreases are part of a wider, global trend. That's a propaganda technique called " compartmentalization." It a technique that's used in every one of the news accounts I've appended below.

The words " mystery", " baffled" and " puzzled " are memes, used, among numerous similar variants, whenever anyone in the wholly-controlled Political, Academic, Scientific and Media establishments wants to lie about, well, basically anything.

That's why one of the articles I've appended below reads "What in the World : The Great US Crime Decline. New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik joins Fareed to discuss how a remarkable decline in crime has swept over America in the last three decades."

Everyone today understands that there are multinational corporations which pursue and advance their causes without dedication to any one nation in particular.

And it is generally accepted that a "one percent" of the world's most wealthy individuals bring an inordinate amount of influence to play in world affairs. Yet many still have trouble believing that the establishments of every nation have been corrupted from the top by the criminal cabal I just me


Even fewer of the public can yet fathom that the one percent are all genetically related to one another, and that, through the ages, they have passed their power down through what is literally a crime family. It's easy to see if one examines the establishment we call "Royalty" so in my country and many others have rebranded to a more covert and completely false "Democracy" in which all of the people who get to the place where voting occurs are part of the previously mentioned crime family.

As every grade school child knows:

August 5, 2012 - it In the genes Seventh grader bloodlines of 42 of 43 U.S. Presidents link to King John of England.

In ancient times, this genetically-related, closely-inbred tribe practiced their dark religion right out in public, but have been forced to figuratively and literally go further and further underground with their human sacrifice and cannibalism. And now, through age-long conditioning, those horrific practices are now mythically believed to have been expunged from society.

It's not an enjoyable thing to contemplate, but those dark desires and practices are woven it at the base of this whole discussion, and I believe that, for our collective betterment, it's necessary that we come to terms with the situation so that we may rise up and past it as a society.

As you can see in the accounts I've appended below, the game is turning against them, has obviously turned.

Now is the time to press our advantage. If you haven't already done so, please consider distributing simple, inexpensive Orgonite devices where you live and work today.

In the meantime, I invite you to revel in the great, epochal positive changes that are occurring at every level of our reality:

October 19, 2017 - Reality Check: Is crime up or down? - BBC News

March 7, 2018 - Brazil - Violent crime in Sao Paolo has dropped dramatically. Is this why

April 29, 2018 - What in the World : The Great US Crime Decline - CNN Video

New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik joins Fareed to discuss how a remarkable decline in crime has swept over America in the last three decades.

September 1, 2018 - Chicago, IL - CPD releases August crime stats, shows 10 percent drop in citywide crime in 2018

The Chicago Police Department released statistics for the month of August Saturday morning that showed a significant drop in overall citywide crime, including decreases in both murders and shootings for the first eight months of the year.

The city's 2018 crime rate is down by 10 percent from the same time last year through August, according to CPD.

There were 53 murders in August, one more than the 52 killings recorded in the same month last year, CPD said. There were 97 murders in August 2016.

The August murder count brings the total number of slayings in the year's first eight months to 368, which accounts for a 20 percent decrease from the 460 killings tallied through the same time period last year, CPD said.

The homicide count kept by the police department does not include fatal shootings by police, or killings that are ruled to be in self-defense.

The department tallied 263 shootings in August, two less than the 265 shootings during the same month last year.

The city has seen a total of 1,629 shootings so far this year, which marks a 16 percent decrease over the same time period last year, when 1,960 shootings were tallied, CPD said.

A total of 348 people were shot in August, up from the 334 people shot during the same month last year, CPD said. Overall, 2,034 people have been wounded in citywide shootings in 2018 compared to 2,468 people shot at the same time last year.

The department also touted a 15 percent drop in robberies so far this year. In addition, CPD has recovered over 6,287 guns in 2018, more than one every hour of each day so far this year.

"Throughout the summer, CPD and our partners have been focused on leveraging technology to fight crime smarter and more effectively," CPD Superintendent Eddie Johnson said. "While we faced challenges, officers incrementally continue to drive down violence while strengthening relationships in the communities they patrol and live."

(Claims the drops are incremental, when in fact they're quantum - ten, fifteen, twenty percent. - ed)

September 6, 2018 - Southern California - Vista shows drop in crime - The Coast News Group

Between January and June 2018, crime in Vista was down from 18.31 to 18 percent as compared to last year, according to Police Capt.