En resumen, en este libro, podremos observar desde dentro todas las maquinaciones que dieron al traste con una de las estafas más famosas y costosas de la historia, conoceremos los personajes mucho más a fondo (inclusive a los propios Reyes), pero sobre todo, pasaremos un buen rato con una fantástica novela, hecha por uno de los más grandes escritores de todos los tiempos.
I've really enjoyed the adventures and misfortunes happened at the Court of Louis XVI, or better said, the Court of Marie Antoinette, the Queen, I have to admit something that some people won't understand. I couldn't help putting the face of Kirsten Dunsten over Maria Antonieta's face. But this is not the place to make a critics on Sofia Coppola's work. Anyway, this historical fact, that some people consider, in a ver simple way, the beginning of the French Revolution, is transformed by Dumas in a novel of adventures. Of The Queen's Necklace, by Alexandre Dumas, it's necessary to highlight the delicious dialogues between Maria Antonieta and her favourite, Andrea of Taverney, or her lover; her lack of connection with the reality of her countryt and her childish behaviour; the smart linguistic exchanges between the cardinal Rohan and the impoverished countess, Jeanne de Valóis, the plotter of this operation where basically all involved were innocent, even the Queen. Despite her innocence, Maria Antonieta's detractors arrived to present the Queen as a capricious woman who wasted the money in diamonds while her country starved. In this book, we can see from the inside all the machinations that put an end to one of the most famous swindles of History; we will deeply know all the characters and enjoy a great novel, written by a great writer.
El Cardenal de Rohan en un intento por comprar el favor de la Reina se ve estafado, y el pueblo francés pierde la confianza en sus políticos, que gastan millones en joyas, mientras ellos mueren de hambre.
El asunto del collar de la reina, que por si solo ya tenía tintes novelescos, es tomado por Alejandro Dumas, que le da su particular toque, lleno de aventuras, intrigas y por supuesto, una que otra historia de amor.