Bueno, esta semana le estuve agregando en mi poco tiempo libre un par de cositas al juego de la vida que estaba haciendo en QBasic. En este caso le hice una muy sencilla lista final de cuantas celdas vivas y muertas habían por turno.
De cualquier manera para la próxima entrega van a ver que esto lo modifiqué ya que hacer el listado final sirve solo si lo hago a modo de log.
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Y el código:
SCREEN 12 INPUT "Enter dimentions of the board:", dimension DIM board(0 TO dimension + 1, 0 TO dimension + 1) DIM nextboard(0 TO dimension + 1, 0 TO dimension + 1) INPUT "Enter turns: ", turns DIM alive(1 TO turns) REM --------SET BOARD-------- FOR i = 0 TO dimension + 1 board(i, 0) = 0 board(0, i) = 0 board(i, dimension + 1) = 0 board(dimension + 1, i) = 0 nextboard(i, 0) = 0 nextboard(0, i) = 0 nextboard(i, dimension + 1) = 0 nextboard(dimension + 1, i) = 0 NEXT RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR i = 1 TO dimension FOR j = 1 TO dimension board(i, j) = INT(RND * 2) NEXT NEXT alive(1) = countAlive(board(), dimension) REM ----------DRAW BOARD------------ CALL drawBoard(dimension, board()) actualTurn = 1 DO WHILE turns > actualTurn SLEEP 1 FOR i = 1 TO dimension FOR j = 1 TO dimension cant = returnAliveNeighbours(board(), i, j, dimension) IF board(i, j) = 1 THEN IF cant < 2 OR cant > 3 THEN nextboard(i, j) = 0 END IF END IF IF board(i, j) = 0 THEN IF cant = 3 THEN nextboard(i, j) = 1 END IF END IF NEXT NEXT FOR i = 1 TO dimension FOR j = 1 TO dimension board(i, j) = nextboard(i, j) NEXT NEXT CALL drawBoard(dimension, board()) actualTurn = actualTurn + 1 alive(actualTurn) = countAlive(board(), dimension) LOOP CALL returnStatistics(alive(), dimension * dimension) SUB drawBoard (dimension, board()) FOR i = 1 TO dimension FOR j = 1 TO dimension IF board(i, j) = 0 THEN LINE ((i - 1) * (640 / dimension), (j - 1) * (480 / dimension))-((i - 1) * (640 / dimension) + (640 / dimension), (j - 1) * (480 / dimension) + (480 / dimension)), 0, BF ELSE LINE ((i - 1) * (640 / dimension), (j - 1) * (480 / dimension))-((i - 1) * (640 / dimension) + (640 / dimension), (j - 1) * (480 / dimension) + (480 / dimension)), 6, BF END IF NEXT NEXT FOR i = 1 TO dimension LINE (0, i * (480 / dimension))-(640, i * (480 / dimension)), 4 LINE (i * (640 / dimension), 0)-(i * (640 / dimension), 480), 4 NEXT END SUB FUNCTION returnAliveNeighbours (board(), px, py, dimension) aliveNeighbours = 0 aliveNeighbours = board(px - 1, py - 1) + board(px, py - 1) + board(px + 1, py - 1) + board(px - 1, py) + board(px + 1, py) + board(px - 1, py + 1) + board(px, py + 1) + board(px + 1, py + 1) returnAliveNeighbours = aliveNeighbours END FUNCTION FUNCTION countAlive (board(), dimension) contador = 0 FOR i = 1 TO dimension FOR j = 1 TO dimension IF board(i, j) = 1 THEN contador = contador + 1 END IF NEXT countAlive = contador NEXT END FUNCTION SUB returnStatistics (alive(), quantity) REM Showing deads/alive CLS PRINT "TURN ALIVE vs. DEAD" FOR i = 1 TO UBOUND(ALIVE) PRINT STR$(i) + STR$(alive(i)) + STR$(quantity - alive(i)) NEXT END SUB
Espero que les sirva y ya saben que son bienvenidas sugerencias, comentarios, lo que sea.