It´s been nearly 2 years since I last wrote about the Paseo de la Historieta for the first time. At that time there werre only a few characters portrayed along our streets. Well it was time to update!, and here are a few more of our friends on the streets of Buenos Aires.
Hace casi exactamente 2 años escribía acerca del Paseo de la Historieta. En ese entonces solo había algunos personajes inmortalizados en estatuas y murales. Hoy en día son muchos más los que se han sumado, y que pueden encontrarse por las calles de Buenos Aires.
It´s been nearly 2 years since I last wrote about the Paseo de la Historieta for the first time. At that time there werre only a few characters portrayed along our streets. Well it was time to update!, and here are a few more of our friends on the streets of Buenos Aires.
It´s been nearly 2 years since I last wrote about the Paseo de la Historieta for the first time. At that time there werre only a few characters portrayed along our streets. Well it was time to update!, and here are a few more of our friends on the streets of Buenos Aires.