"Israeli Embassy Park, in memoriam of the victims of the terrorist attack". That is basically what is written below and can be seen on the first photograph. It is located in a public park which was built on the site where up until the 19th of March 1992, the building in which the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires stood. That day, a terrorist attack ended the lives of 29 people and injured another 242. This was one of the worst terrorist attacks to have taken place in the city in its history, albeit not the only one. In rememberance of those who were killed, two rows of trees were planted in the park. One tree for every one of the victims. Through this post I wish to express my deepest and most sincere simpathies for the victims and their families, and a renewed claim for justice to take place. The investigation is currently suspended in the Argentine Justice system and to date, no one has been convicted for the terrorist attack.
"Plaza Embajada de Israel, en Memoria de las Victimas del Atentado". Así lee la frase que se encuentra en la plaza donde hasta el 19 de Marzo de 1992 se erigía el edificio donde funcionaba la Embajada de Israel en Buenos Aires. Ese día un ataque terrorista terminó con las vidas de 29 personas e hirió a otras 242. Uno de los ataques terroristas más letales que ha sufrido nuestro país, pero lamentablemente no el único.
En memoria de las victimas se han plantado dos hileras de arboles de tilo. Uno por cada una de las victimas.
Por la presente expreso mi más profundo respeto por las victimas y sus familias, y renuevo el reclamo para su esclarecimiento. Al día de la fecha la causa se encuentra prescrita en la justicia Argentina y ninguna persona ha sido condenada por el atentado.
"Israeli Embassy Park, in memoriam of the victims of the terrorist attack". That is basically what is written below and can be seen on the first photograph. It is located in a public park which was built on the site where up until the 19th of March 1992, the building in which the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires stood. That day, a terrorist attack ended the lives of 29 people and injured another 242. This was one of the worst terrorist attacks to have taken place in the city in its history, albeit not the only one. In rememberance of those who were killed, two rows of trees were planted in the park. One tree for every one of the victims. Through this post I wish to express my deepest and most sincere simpathies for the victims and their families, and a renewed claim for justice to take place. The investigation is currently suspended in the Argentine Justice system and to date, no one has been convicted for the terrorist attack.
"Israeli Embassy Park, in memoriam of the victims of the terrorist attack". That is basically what is written below and can be seen on the first photograph. It is located in a public park which was built on the site where up until the 19th of March 1992, the building in which the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires stood. That day, a terrorist attack ended the lives of 29 people and injured another 242. This was one of the worst terrorist attacks to have taken place in the city in its history, albeit not the only one. In rememberance of those who were killed, two rows of trees were planted in the park. One tree for every one of the victims. Through this post I wish to express my deepest and most sincere simpathies for the victims and their families, and a renewed claim for justice to take place. The investigation is currently suspended in the Argentine Justice system and to date, no one has been convicted for the terrorist attack.