Entrevista con Matthew Modine (Foley en The Dark Knight Rises de Christhoper Nolan)

Publicado el 07 agosto 2012 por Mixman
(Espero que os guste ya que ha sido difícil conseguirla, si necesitáis traducción tenéis un traductor automático en la borde del blog)
First of all, we would like to thank you Matthew for answering our questions.
There we go!
A few weeks ago the new Christopher Nolan’s film, The Dark Knight Rises, had its premiere, and it
looks like as if it would be an unprecedented success.
Entrevista con Matthew Modine (Foley en The Dark Knight Rises de Christhoper Nolan)
• After working in a film like this, what does it mean to you?
It’s always a pleasure to be apart and associated with something successful. The experience of
working on The Dark Knight Rises was as rewarding as the success of the film.
• Is gathering so many great talents (Bale,Oldman,Caine,Freeman) is easy for a great actor
like you to work in a film like this?
The better your partners, the more successful the game. Lets say that you are a wonderful tennis
player. You have the opportunity to play in front of a large crowd. But your opponent is really not
very good, at all. They can barely return the ball over the net. For the good tennis player this is
very frustrating, because he never gets to perform, to show his skills and abilities. In fact to have
any game at all, the good player has to “dumb” his game down. When you are in the company of
actors like Bale, Oldman, Caine, and Freeman you are in the company of great players and
therefore have the opportunity to really enjoy a rewarding and great game of acting.
• How is Christopher Nolan as a director? Does he give you freedom when playing, or is he
much stricter?
I believe he is very open and that he is careful to cast actors that he can trust to bring their “A”
game and be inventive and creative with the interpretation of their roles.
• You share some scenes in the film with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Do you see yourself like a
mentor for a young talent like Joseph?
Joe has actually been acting for nearly as long as I have. He was a child actor, a very good one,
who is now being given the opportunity to play adult leads. He is a very accomplished performer.
• What’s your opinion about The Dark Knight Rises? We think it’s a great end for a great
I thought it was a blast. A very good action film. I also feel that the big part of TDKR’s success is
because it has a story. It doesn’t rely on visual effects and action to keep the audience engaged but
employees classic dramaturgy and character development.

• Looking back to your career, what about Full Metal Jacket? Did working in that film bring
something to you? Did it mark you? Tell us your experience in it please.
I cannot compare the experience of making FMJ with any other film or event in my life. Perhaps
because of the amount of time that I worked on the film. Two years. My relationship with Stanley
Kubrick cannot be compared with the experience of working with other filmmakers for a multitude
of reasons. The best way to get an answer about my experience on FMJ, Kubrick, and that
filmmaking process is in my book, now available as an app for iPads, Full Metal Jacket Diary. The
app is a deeply immersive experience and journey into those two years. And its an awesome, totally
unique app!
• Was it impressive to have a director such as Stanley Kubrick in the filming set?
This is all available to discover in the Full Metal Jacket Diary “appumentary.” It’s available
August 7th on iTunes of iPads. Wear headphones for a deeper experience!
• We can’t avoid that Mixman, one of our critics, confesses you that Cutthroat Island was one
of his favourite pirate films, although so many people couldn’t say the same by the time it
was released (he was young at the moment) Why do you think it didn’t had the same success
like other films like Pirates of Caribbean had?
I have no idea. I think the movie is really fun. It may have been because you have a woman in the
role of what is classically a man’s journey. Woman are, thankfully and gloriously, different from
men. We want to see them solve problems in their way - not the way men do. Strapping a pair of
balls on a woman doesn’t work. Sigourney Weaver and Naomi Rapace are examples of tough
woman in extreme situations. They had to fight for their lives and face tremendous obstacles. But
they were always woman.
• You have still two unreleased productions. Could you tell us something about them?(Family
Weekend, and Jobs), tell us your impressions about the film.
Family Weekend may have had a title change. I think it’s now called Queen Freak. It was a pleasure
to work with the film’s young actors. I think Eddie Hassell is a wonderful new actor and Joey King
is amazing. She also perform in a crucial role in The Dark Knight Rises.
• What’s your opinion about Steve Jobs?
jOBS will be a revelation for all of us. I really have no idea how the film will cut together. The
director, Joshua Michael Stern, has done his homework and put together a wonderful ensemble of
actors, Dermot Mulroney, J.K. Simmons, Lukas Haas, Josh Gad, Ron Eldard, James Woods, and of
course, Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs. Like millions of others, I’m looking forward to seeing the

• We have been watching the page about the full metal jacket app diary, a very very interesting app,
do you have for Android too? Can you tell us what we can expect about this app? And give us a
little words to promote this app.
The Full Metal Jacket Diary app is really like no other app I’ve ever seen. It is a deeply
immersive journey into the experience of working on what has been called the greatest war
film ever made and working with Kubrick, who many consider one of the greatest film
directors of all time. The FMJD app has been designed for the iPad and is exclusively
available on the iTunes App Store. You can learn more at www.fmj-diary.com.
• Tell us about the experience filming with Kubrick.
There is really too much to tell. The best way to discover more is to get the Full Metal Jacket Diary
iPad app.
• Can you tell us about voicing Punky Dunk and the GoldFish, and the working with Kate del
Castillo in the Spanish version?
I love reading books with my children. I also love books that are interactive and having early
educational aspects. The Punky Dunk and the Goldfish app is one of three. Because we wanted the
app to be bilingual, it was necessary to find a talented Spanish speaking actor. I was very happy
that Kate del Castillo agreed to voice the Punky Dunk character in Spanish. The Punky Dunk app is
really fun and not just for kids! Once an adult starts playing with Punky, its hard to get the iPad out
of their hands! You can learn more at http://www.facebook.com/PunkyDunkProject.
• And the last question: Have you ever visited Spain? We are sure it would be worth the visit.
Yes, I have been to Spain several times. It is a glorious country and the people are quite special.
Loving, proud, and very passionate. A very nice combination. I look forward to having the
opportunity to return to your country.
Matthew, thank you very much again for your kindness in answering our questions. Greetings from
the whole team of Fan Cine Blog II. See you soon..
Os dejamos con unos links de las app de Matthew Modine
Trailer de la App de La Chaqueta Metálica
PD: Gracias a Mirakenic, Jonhy Recape, y Mixman por lograr la entrevista.