Esto no es una democracia.

Publicado el 18 marzo 2010 por Ubuntizando
Mark Shuttleworth acaba de realizar el siguiente comentario en respuesta a un usuario. La controversia generada por la posición de los famosos "tres botones" parece estar comenzando a tensar la situación más de lo preciso entre Canonical y la comunidad de usuarios de Ubuntu. Lo sé es un tema recurrente, pero esto tiene que ser leido por todos. La situación es tal que hasta el propio Mark Shuttleworth ha tenido que poner las cosas en su sitio.
Nota: No he tenido tiempo a traducir, por lo que ruego disculpas.
On 15/03/10 23:42, Pablo Quirós wrote:> It'd have been nice if this comment had been made some time ago,> together with a deep reasoning on the concrete changes that are in mind.>> We are supposed to be a community, we all use Ubuntu and contribute to> it, and we deserve some respect regarding these kind of decisions. We> all make Ubuntu together, or is it a big lie?
We all make Ubuntu, but we do not all make all of it. In other words, wedelegate well. We have a kernel team, and they make kernel decisions.You don't get to make kernel decisions unless you're in that kernelteam. You can file bugs and comment, and engage, but you don't get tosecond-guess their decisions. We have a security team. They get to makedecisions about security. You don't get to see a lot of what they seeunless you're on that team. We have processes to help make sure we'redoing a good job of delegation, but being an open community is not thesame as saying everybody has a say in everything.
This is a difference between Ubuntu and several other communitydistributions. It may feel less democratic, but it's more meritocratic,and most importantly it means (a) we should have the best people makingany given decision, and (b) it's worth investing your time to become thebest person to make certain decisions, because you should have thatcompetence recognised and rewarded with the freedom to make harddecisions and not get second-guessed all the time.
It's fair comment that this was a big change, and landed withoutwarning. There aren't any good reasons for that, but it's also true thatno amount of warning would produce consensus about a decision like this.
> If you want to tell us> that we are all part of it, we want information, and we want our opinion> to be decisive.>
No. This is not a democracy. Good feedback, good data, are welcome. Butwe are not voting on design decisions.
El comentario e hilo completo lo podemos seguir desde el siguiente enlace:
Concretamente este comentario es el #167 y evidentemente la respuesta de otros usuarios no se ha hecho esperar.
Ciertamente todavía no sé que decir. Estoy leyendo el comentario de Mark cuando son las 3:54 Am (me han sacado de la cama para leerlo :S) y creo que todavía es pronto para formar una opinión. Principalmente por tener una mente crítica y necesito tiempo para formar una opinión racional de la situación.
¿Vosotros qué opináis?