Happy New Year!
May it be filled with opportunities, joy, love, travel and health!
Si te gusta hacer un recuento de tu año, ya sea en Navidad o en tu cumpleños, ¡este artículo es para tí! Porque no hay mejor forma de empezar un camino que recononciéndo en dónde nos encontramos.
A finales del 2017 me encontré la siguiente tabla de propósitos en la cuenta de Instagram de Daniella Martí, una creativa dibujante Colombiana, a quién sigo por sus excelentes tiras sobre las relaciones interpersonales.El ejercicio propuesto por Martí me pareció perfecto para hacer un recuento del 2017, con un enfoque positivo, agradeciendo lo bueno, soltan do lo malo y estableciéndo nuevos propósitos.
If you enjoy review your year every Christmas or with every birthday, this article is for you! Because there is no better way to start a journey than first knowing exactly where you are.
At the end of 2017, I came across this cute form created by the awesome cartoonist from Colombia, Daniella Martí, who I follow in Instagram for her awesome strips on human behavior and relationships.The form was an excellent excercizeof awareness, guiding you to do a review of 2017, with a positive focus on what you are thankfull for, letting go what you no longer want, ans setting goals.[ It reads: 2018. Things that I want in my life. What Iam leaving behind. I'm grateful for.. List of things that most likely I´ll do one day. Tesolutions that I will accomplish. I promise to always do what makes me happy. I promise____. ]
Aquí mi versión... / This is my yearly personal assesment..
El pasado 31 de Diciembre 2018, Martí publicó la siguiente hojita para agradecer, desahogarnos e incluso soltar la ira (¡hasta parece que está muy enterada de lo que fue mi 2018! Jajaja), y se las comparto aquí si ustedes también quieren hacer el ejercicio y empezar el 2019 con toda la intención, para encaminarla a acciones.This past Monday december 31st, 2018, Martí shared on her IG accout the new excercize sheet to thank for 2019, vent , and even letting go of the anger... jeez! I'm thinking that she is very well aware[ It reads: 2019. Name, date. What did I learn last year? What do I want to improve in me? List of wishes! This is what I will do to achieve them. How can I contribute to society? This the place to let go of the anger, let it all out!]
Yo ya llené mi hojita, y me deja pensando en qué hacer para cumplir los deseos. Y ustedes ¿qué tal?
¿Cómo pinta su 2019? I filled out the form already, I enjoyed doing so, and it leaves me thinking on what to do to achieve those wishes. What about you? How is your 2019 looking so far?
Who I also follow on IG is Pauline from fashion blog Oh my Dior, whose personal style I like, but I mostly follow her for her attitude towards life and her awarness excercizes that she kindly shares on her social media, like the one displayed below.
New Years 2019 Ritual
In one page write what you want regarding:
Success and work
Abundance and Money
Health and physical
Spirituality and connection
Además nos comparte los siguientes ejemplos de afirmaciones...
Plus she shares with us some affirmations to get the purpose flowing..
I ________ love myself very much. Every moment I am happier and I attract better things to my life.
I _________ love myself very much. Every moment I am more abundant, money always comes to me on its own, and from everywhere.
Hagámonos responsables de nuestros sueños,por medio de nuestras acciones e intención.
Let´s make ourselves responsible of our dreams through our actions and intention.