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Este es el indice de contenidos:
"Iron Forge 4
See the amazing array of top tier paintjobs from our team of professional-quality painters.
The Mantic Calendar 15
Learn what Mantic related events and tournaments are upcoming in your area.
Advertisements 46
Our section where you can advertise your local Mantic game group or store for free!
Kings of War, Dungeon Saga, and Dwarf King’s Hold:
Tales from the Crippled Goose: The Laborer's Tale, by Mike Tittensor 18
Two tinners share their stories of a chance encounter with the Roadwarden’s witch
Making and Painting Zombie Trolls, by Daniel “Darklord” King 26
Learn how Daniel converted his Mantic Trolls in anticipation of KoW 2nd Edition
My own private Ardovikia: Micro-campaigns for Kings of War, by Mike Tittensor 26
Mike walks us through his local faction armies and fluff in this small-but-rich campaign
Warpath, Project Pandora, Dreadball, and Deadzone:
Deadzone Marauder, by Marcel Popik 43
A very nice art piece by Iron Forge painter Marcel Popik
Deadzone: Quarantine, by Mike Tittensor 44
An expansion to Deadzone, allowing you to play spaceship combat using the Deadzone rules"