Siento una gran atracción por los lugares abandonados, por las ruinas que el paso del tiempo tan solo deja un rastro efímero de aquello que antaño fueron.
No sé por qué exactamente siento esa atracción ni por qué me parecen tan bellos; tal vez sea porque representan un poco nuestra propia decadencia, nuestra fugacidad en la vida, que como esos edificios, han estado llenos de vida, han encerrado historias, risas, llantos, amores y que el irremediable paso del tiempo ha erosionado hasta convertirlos en piezas de un puzzle de una historia colectiva, formada por momentos aislados y personales que pocos recordarán en años venideros.
I feel a great attraction for abandoned places, the ruins that over the pass of the time become only ephemeral moments leaving a trail of what once were.
I don't know what's the exactly reason why I feel that attraction or why they look so beautiful to me, it could be because they are a bit like of our own decay, our transience in life, that remember us that just as these buildings were full of life and now they are abandoned in time and space, we might have the same ending. Places that have lived stories, laughter, cries, loves and the inevitable passage of time has eroded to turn them into pieces of a puzzle of a collective history, formed by tiny little personal moments that few will remember.