Por segundo mes consecutivo tengo el placer de mostrarles el contenido de la cajita de Le Beauty Club, esta vez la correspondiente al mes de Junio. Veamos:
For the second month in a row I have the pleasure to show you the content of the beauty box by Le Beauty Club, this time the June edition. Let's check it out:
KLEENEX - Pañuelitos descartables
This product generated a lot of controversy in last month's box, many negative views even being an extra product and not one that makes the actual box. For what I am concerned, I think it's a plus as during the winter months it's a product that we tend to use daily and have at hand so recieving one saves me the time to go shopping for it.
Q SOFT - Hisopos Make Up
As I mentioned in the video, this is not a product that I would buy for myself or that caught my attention but since I recieved it I have not stopped using them. They are extremely practical for women like me as I do not have a steady and daily make mistakes in applying makeup and we need extra help to correct it. It has a fine tip for a precise line and a rounded end to apply shadows or whatever comes to mind.
SALLY HANSEN - Crackle Overcoat
Little by little I'm starting to know and trying out all that the Sally Hansen line has to offer and I must tell you that no product is a disappointment. This is a metallic nail polish that does not lose its tone after the crackle effect.
TORTULAN - Leche Desmaquillante
PLUSBELLE EFFECT - Shampoo Extra Listo
Acondicionador Lacios y Alisados
Both products are excellent although the shampoo exceeds by providing a more palpable and immediate effect. Both formulas have 5 ingredients called Nutri-5 for effective nutrition looking for perfect hair.
Honestamente al principio pensé que no iba a disfrutar del contenido de esta cajita pero una vez que probé todos los productos no pude estar más feliz. Cada uno, aunque pueden ser considerados normales y accesibles, no son algo que compraría por mi cuenta y al probarlos cambié rotundamente de opinión. Sé que voy a disfrutarlos mucho durante todo el mes.
Honestly at first I thought I would not enjoy the content of this beauty box but once I've tried out all the products I couldn't be any more happier. Each one of the products, eventhough they are normal and accesible, they are not something I would get by my own but after trying them I changed my mind deeply. I definitely know I would enjoy this products during the hole month.
¿Qué les pareció el contenido? ¿Comprarían esta cajita?What do you think of the content?
Podés adquirir la tuya desde: http://www.lebeautyclub.com.ar por $119/mes con la posibilidad de un 30% de descuento si sos socia del Club La Nación.
Love and Rockets, FlaviaFlanders Facebook: /youcancallmeFLANDERS Twitter: @flaviaflandershttp://www.fringeindiemagazine.com/