Tengo el enorme placer de presentarles otra de las "beauty boxes" que pueden encontrar en el mercado argentino. Se llama "Le Beauty Club" y como su nombre lo indica es un club de belleza donde sus socias/suscriptoras reciben mes a mes productos de belleza para probar.
Veamos el contenido de la caja de MAYO 2013.I have the great pleasure to present another of the "beauty boxes" that can be found in the Argentine market. It's called "Le Beauty Club" and as the name suggests is a beauty club where its members / subscribers receive a monthly beauty products to try. Let's see the contents of the box from MAY 2013.
Q SOFT - Toallas Húmedas Desmaquillantes
To be honest I have not opened this product yet because I have it in reserve for when I run out of the one I have still in use. As I mentioned in the video, it seems a very practical and economical product to remove makeup without any worries. In this particular case, the tissue also contains Aloe Vera, Cucumber and Green Tea, which helps you perform a deep cleaning and care simultaneously.
EXEL - Gel Fluído Revitalizante con Hidrolizado de Proteínas de Seda
This product went straight into the hands of my mother, she said it was easy to apply and quickly absorbed. But she was left wanting more.
KEVINGSTON MUJER - Body Splash Muñeca Polista
The instant happiness I had when I saw and tasted this product was indescribable. Since starting the cold I was in search of a perfume that is strong enough to accompany me this season but light enough to not give me headaches (yes, strong scents give me migraines, I'm weird, I know). This product met all my expectations and more, I was deeply in love with the deep aroma compound by the prominence scent of rose intermixing with fruit and many more flowers.
DOVE - Shampoo Post Alisado
From the day I received it I put it in use and was delighted. All Dove products I tried never let me down, in this particular case I felt a deep cleaning, remove of grease, slightly eliminating frizz and moisturizing that surprised me.
Máscara relajante
This was another product I was very happy to have received. I always wanted one of these masks but I never bought it for those rare things in life. Many of you may not know its utility, its main function is decongestant in the area, is used to relieve migraine and cure tired eyes, you have to place in the refrigerator and when cold it gets, place it as seen in the photo. To me, it's a relief to use before going to bathe every morning.
Si se quedaron con ganas de conocer más sobre LE BEAUTY CLUB, acá se los explico en pocas palabras:
Le Beauty Club es la mejor manera de descubrir las novedades del universo de la cosmética: todos los meses, las Beauty Girls recibirán una caja para testear la gran variedad de productos que existen en el mercado. Además, pertenecer al Club les permitirá recibir información de las tendencias de belleza, participar de concursos e invitaciones a eventos de la mano de los mayores referentes del rubro y otros beneficios exclusivos.“Le Beauty Club" tiene como misión convertirse en un referente del mundo de la belleza; marcando las tendencias del mercado y brindando a sus socias todos los mejores servicios y sorpresas, mes a mes. Como dato interesante: las socias de Club La Nación tienen un beneficio adicional al suscribirse.En Junio "Le Beauty Club" lanza BOXmen para aquellos hombres interesados en probar productos de cuidado personal pero a diferencia de la Box Classic es compra por caja cada vez que sale y no suscripción mensual.
¿Les gustó el contenido? ¿Conocían estos productos?Did you liked the content? Did you know the products?
Podés adquirir la tuya desde: http://www.lebeautyclub.com.ar por $119/mes.
Love and Rockets, FlaviaFlanders Facebook: /youcancallmeFLANDERS Twitter: @flaviaflandershttp://www.fringeindiemagazine.com/