Year after year the animal print is present in clothing and / or accessories in either summer or winter. We can not say it's a print trendy but rather a "basic" in our closet. I started with this print with the easiest, accessories (bag, shoes), but every year I take a step closer to it.
Hace unos años encontre en ZARA (cuando todavia diseñaba hasta la XL o XXL de verdad) el vestido en print animal ideal para mi, pues lejos de ser escotado o extremadamente ajustado, tenia un diseño que lo hace cómodo y perfectamente ponible incluso en looks working.
El protagonista del look de hoy es el vestido, por lo que los complementos los he escogido en tonos marron, y el abrigo en un color beis para que haga el contraste.
Es perfecto para un look de fiesta o cuando simplemente te apetezca verte muy sexy jeje. Como look working cambio los complementos por un maxibolso y medias tupidas y bailarinas o mocasines del mismo tono. ¿Que os parece la propuesta?A few years ago I found in ZARA (when still designing to really XL or XXL) a animal print dress ideal for me, because far from being notched or extremely tight, had a design that makes it comfortable and perfectly wearable for working girl . The protagonist of outfit today is the dress, so I have chosen bag and shoes in brown tones and a beige coat to make the contrast. It is perfect for a party look or when you just feel like seeing very sexy lol. Change for a working look with a maxibolso and tights and loafers to match. Do you like it?OUTFIT
Dress / ZARA (old)Bag / UTERQUE (old)Shoes / Pura Lopez (old)Coat / La Redoute (old)Glasses / Ray Ban (old)
El leopard print siempre es una maravillosa opción en esos días en las que el LBD no nos apetezca. ¿No os parece?
The leopard print is always a wonderful choice in those days in which the LBD do not feel like. Do not you think?