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Manifestación de la plataforma Salvemos Valdevaqueros contra la urbanización de la playa

Por Salvarelpalmar

Sábado 4 de Agosto de 2012 tendrá lugar una manifestación convocada por la plataforma Salvemos Valdevaqueros contra el proyecto de urbanización que prepara el Ayuntamiento de Tarifa para la zona.
(Take part in this demonstraction. SAVE VALDEVAQUEROS. BE THERE ON 4TH!!)
Día: 4 de Agosto Hora: 11.00 horas
Lugar: Junto a la duna de Valdevaqueros
Se pide a los participantes que lleven una camiseta de color naranja y pancartas,etc...
Asociaciones, plataformas, colectivos,etc... que participarán en la manifestación:

Manifestación de la plataforma Salvemos Valdevaqueros contra la urbanización de la playa
Evento en facebook:
Hola amig@s!! vamoa a enviar un email a [email protected]; a ver si entre tod@s podemos conseguir que el 4 de Agosto el doodle de Google sea SALVAMOS VALDEVAQUEROS!!! Sólo tenéis que copiar y pegar el texto y enviarlo:
My name is ______________ and I write to you as a member of the Citizen Plataform SAVE VALDEVAQUEROS (SALVEMOS VALDEVAQUEROS). We are more than 88,000 signatures already!!!
Valdevaqueros is a virgin beach situated within a natural park near the southern town of Tarifa (Spain). The Mayor of Tarifa has approved a plan to build very very near here, 350 vacational houses (not neccesary) and a number of hotels with space for 1432 beds. This project breaches urbanistic (POTA and LOUA), environmental (LIC, Reserve of the Biosphere, ZEPA) and cultural laws. We have denounced such projects at the European Commission in Brussels and at the office of the People´s Defender in Spain.
This area has been historically protected due to its rare biological habitat, as well as the risk of extinction of many of its animal species. It is also well known that due to the new urbanistic project, the amount of sewage that will go into the sea will dramatically increase, especially on the summer months, endangering thus the marine habitat as well.
On the day the project was approved by the City Council and our platform was created, we became trending topic in twitter in only 12 hours.
To this effect, and in order to help us defend Valdevaqueros, we would kindly ask Google to prepare a doodle for August 4th 2012, when we are organising a “Coexistence Day” (peaceful demonstration) at Valdevaqueros in order to get our message across.
We have received valuable support and collaboration from many media institutions here in Spain, including the design of our official logo from “El Jueves” Magazine. And it will be fantastic if we could receive the support of Google on this special day, since it will make a big difference in our fight to save one of the most beautiful habitats on earth.
Thank you in advance for your time and support.

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