Masters in Landscape Architecture. PROGRAMME 2011

Publicado el 13 abril 2011 por Mauriciomaturanamuller
Masters in Landscape Architecture. PROGRAMME 2011Now at its third edition, the Masters in Landscape Architecture was founded on a formative joint project between the Barcelona Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Milan ACMA Centre of Architecture, with the aim of offering a modular programme composed of single workshops and planning seminars (which can also be attended individually and by external students). Thanks to the up-to-date topics addressed and the international experience of the guest lecturers, this Masters has rapidly become an influential reference point in the European debate on landscape architecture. Due to the prestige of the teaching body and adhesion to the principles of the European Landscape Convention, the Masters is appreciated by the most important international bodies which protect and valorise landscapes, amongst which the Council of Europe itself, that has offered its support and patronage to the activities of this Masters from the very beginning.

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