Empezamos el día con una noticia triste, pero de todas formas, muy esperable debido a como están las cosas últimamente. La edición de este año del Midgard Reykjavik 2020, el evento geek mas importante de Islandia y uno de los mas importantes del norte de Europa, se suspende debido a la pandemia.
El aviso me ha llegado de parte la buena gente de Nexxus Store, que son colaboradores del evento y ha sido anunciado antes de ayer en la cuenta oficial de FB del evento, entre otras paginas. El comunicado, tal y como esta colgado dice lo siguiente:
"Greetings everyone.
It is with great sadness that we must announce the cancellation of Midgard 2020 ❌😷
While we have been going full steam ahead with the planning and still expect that we could hold the event in September, with the current uncertainty regarding Covid-19, we are unable to give you the size and quality of event we want to promote.
A lot of the exhibitors we would like to showcase are currently in trouble or have too much uncertainty to be able to attend.
Similarly, several of the guests we have been working on finalizing or already had confirmed but were unannounced, are likely to be stuck in travel bans.
We do not feel it is fair to our fans to continue to sell tickets, while not being confident we can put on the type of Midgard we all want, or to have to cancel guests and exhibitors that may be the very reason you buy a ticket.
Continuing to sell tickets while being uncertain we can provide the experience you deserve is simply not Midgard.
Midgard is a work of passion from a team that has been working nonstop on 2020. We are fans ourselves and we are as sad as you are about this. 😔
We will not just sit back, however. We are immediately starting work on Midgard 2021 and will use the extra time to make it even bigger and better!
Of course, we will be issuing full refunds to those of you that have already bought tickets, bought community row space, or bought exhibitor space.
If anyone wishes to instead keep their ticket and transfer it to Midgard 2021, please email us at team@midgardreykjavik.is before the end of the week. Anyone that has not emailed us before that time will be issued a refund.
The Midgard Team"
Era algo más que esperable y se nota que han apurado al máximo antes de dar el aviso. Yo este año iba a ir si o si a ver el evento y hacer una crónica del mismo. Lo teníamos todo planeado para ir este año y solo quedaba coger las entradas. Aun así, esperaba que como ha pasado con otros eventos, de darse el caso pudieran moverlo de fecha, aunque si lo ponían ya en otoño-invierno, moverse iba a ser muy complicado desde otros puntos del país a la capital, así que mejor igual que lo hayan cancelado y pasen a la edición del año que viene.
A ver si el año que viene hay suerte....