Hoy en Montessori Stories tengo como invitada a Zazu, a la que seguramente conocéis por su blog Aprendiendo con Montessori. Os dejo con la entrevista que le he hecho en la que comparte con nosotros su experiencia con Montessori y con la educación en general:
¿Cómo conociste Montessori? Oí hablar de Maria Montessori durante mis estudios en la carrera, en una asignatura que se llamaba "Pedagogias del juego" y que era optativa. Y digo oí porque el día que dedicamos a Maria Montessori os puedo asegurar que no tenía nada que ver con lo que durante estos años atrás he ido descubriendo de ella y su propuesta educativa. Incluso repasando mis apuntes comprobé que hasta las fechas estaban mal datadas. Pero si hubo una cosa que se me quedó grabada...y fue la importancia de la luz del sol, el contacto con la naturaleza y la realidad. Así que con estos tres recuerdos en mi memoria y a punto de ser mamá sentí la necesidad de ofrecerle a mi pequeño una crianza y educación respetuosa. Y Montessori fue nuestra elección.¿Qué hace que tu hogar sea Montessori? Bueno, personalmente pienso que la cosa más importante, que hace que nuestro hogar sea Montessori, somos nosotros mismos, como padres. Pues nos estamos trabajando interiormente para ofrecer una educación sin premios ni castigos. Y donde la libertad no significa libertinaje, sino todo lo contrario una libertad pensada para vivir y convivir en sociedad. También uno de los aspectos que hace que nuestro hogar sea Montessori es el hecho de tener un ambiente preparado, pues nuestro hijo se siente en conexión con nosotros y con su casa, ya que vive la experiencia de sentir que pertenece en todas las estancias de nuestro hogar, pues le tenemos en cuenta (con muebles, juguetes y materiales a su altura). Con el ambiente preparado es capaz de ser autónomo e independiente en la medida de sus posibilidades.
Pues, si lo pensamos bien, la resolución de conflictos en Montessori es estadísticamente la mejor. Por eso hablamos de una educación para la paz y de una educación social, porque básicamente el saber cómo enfrentar los conflictos es algo con lo que nos encontramos diariamente. Y algo por lo que deberíamos hacer mucho hincapié, de ahí el trabajo personal que debemos realizar las mamás y papás, al fin y al cabo nuestros hijos van a creer ciegamente en lo que les digamos y por supuesto aprenderán de nuestras acciones, nuestra forma de hablar y comunicarnos con los demás. Si nosotros lo hacemos de manera respetuosa ellos aprenderán de forma natural a respetar. Así que mi mayor consejo para llevar la educación Montessori al hogar es preparación y trabajo personal del adulto. Sin duda.
Mi nombre es Zazu, desde bien pequeña he sentido un gran compromiso por la sociedad, en gran parte por la educación que recibí en casa y que ahora intento que siga así en el presente y futuro de mi pequeño. Soy, entre otras cosas, educadora social (de profesión y vocación), educadora de personas con diversidad funcional y el año pasado me certifiqué como educadora en Disciplina Positiva (un grato y precioso descubrimiento para mí). También me formé como asistente Montessori AMI y actualmente estoy formándome como guía Montessori.
How did you get to know about Montessori? I heard of Maria Montessori during my studies in college, in a subject called "pedagogies of the game" that was optional. And I say I "heard" because I can assure you it had nothing to do with what these years I have been discovered behind her and her educational proposal. Even reviewing my notes I realized that even the dates were poorly dated. But there was one thing that stuck in my mind... and was the importance of sunlight, contact with nature and reality. So with these three memories in my head and about to be a mom I felt the need to give my little one a respectful upbringing and education. And Montessori was our choice. What are the reasons that made you choose Montessori as a good way of raising your child? Personally I see Montessori education education as logical, responsible, respectful, and friendly. Where you consider all human beings and their natural needs as it grows from birth, or rather is in the womb, through adulthood. And at the same time it is responsible to society, because it takes into account not only the individual but also the environment and everyone within it. Montessori education is a social education, an education that prepares them for life, to know how to be with yourself and others with respect and peace. Do or will your son go to a Montessori school, other kind of school, or do you homeschool? I wish my son could go to a Montessori school, but now is difficult, economically and geographically. So we try to learn every day on this philosophy and apply it to the best of our ability at home. We are also working as a family in a new project together with other families who opt for a Montessori education. We have joined forces and created a non-profit association, called Espai Montessori (you can find us on facebook). Here we are working very hard and with a lot of hope that this year we can give birth to a Montessori space for our children. What makes your home a Montessori home? Well, personally I think the most important thing that makes our home Montessori is ourselves, as parents. We are working internally to provide education without rewards or punishments. And where freedom does not mean license, but just the opposite, intended freedom to live and coexist in society. Also one of the aspects that makes our home Montessori is the fact of having a prepared environment, so our child feels in connection with us and his house, because he lives the experience of feeling that he belongs in every room of our home (furniture, toys and materials to its height). With the prepared environment he is capable of being autonomous and independent to the extent of his possibilities. Any advice or suggestion for those who want to introduce Montessori in their family and don't know where to start? Keep in mind that love is power and Montessori education is a long-term education, ie, that of overnight not going to change things. But if we have patience and perseverance... we will progress slowly. And certainly my advice would be aimed at adults, moms and dads. For I consider very important the work of the adult, in this case moms and dads, for this reason I always advise to read the books of the own Maria Montessori and if they can, to me an important aspect is also taking a course / lecture / workshop on Montessori philosophy or introduction to Montessori education to have some knowledge and knowing, of course, why we want to apply it in our home and it definitely Montessori is not only materials but a work of family transformation, where parents have the most important role... because we are the example. For this reason I believe that Montessori can merge very well with positive discipline, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, yoga, tai chi... Tools to help us, adults, to channel our emotions from love and the reason to offer our best to our children. And they collect good information to work your emotions and resolve future conflicts. Because certainly emotional intelligence is part of our life. If you think about it, resolution of conflicts in Montessori is statistically the best. So we talk about peace education and social education, because basically knowing how to deal with conflicts is something that we encounter daily. And something we should do much emphasis, hence the work we do as parents, at the end of the day our children will blindly believe what we tell them and of course learn from our actions, our way of talking and communicating with others. If we do it respectfully they will naturally learn to respect. So my biggest advice to bring home the Montessori education is preparation and adult personal work. Definitely. Thank you for the interview, Cristina, and the fact that we share and feel that Montessori education gradually to reach more places. With your permission I would like to launch an appeal to all teachers in public schools, and families who bring their children to public schools to join the movement #Montessorienlaescuelapública we have launched from the blog initially, but now we work together all bloggers we undertake this education as Marta from Pequefelicidad, Patri from Happymama, Bei from Tigriteando, Ainara from Aprenderlachispa, Sandra from maestrapoppins and you, Cristina from Montessori en Casa. It's a pleasure to have you and that this is a movement of all and for all. So whoever wants to join us will be welcome. It is certainly very encouraging that the present and future of our children and ultimately the present and future of the planet at all levels, is changing. ¿Te ha gustado? ¡Compártelo!
My guest today at Montessori Stories is Zazu, from the blog Aprendiendo con Montessori. I leave you with the interview where she shares with us her experience with Montessori and education in general:
My name is Zazu, since I was a little girl I have felt a great commitment with society, perhaps because of the education I received at home, and now I attempt to remain so in the present and future of my child. I am, among other things, social educator (by profession and vocation), educator of people with disabilities and last year I became certified as an educator in Positive Discipline (a pleasant and beautiful discovery for me). I also trained as a Montessori assistant (AMI) and I am currently training as a Montessori guide.
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