Motherless Brooklyn Themes Essay - 589 Words

Por Fransanlag @fransanlag
Date: 2017-04-12 22:31 More videos "Motherless brooklyn essay writing"

Several metaphors are used in the narration of the story. An example of a metaphor that shows itself as Lionel tries to tell the predicament of his disorder is that, "though mostly I whisper or subvocalize like I'm reading aloud." He tries to show the way this disorder makes him shout loudly as he is reading though it is not his fault (Jonathan, 56). He continue narrating his problem by saying, " In this diminished form the words rush out of the cornucopia of my brain to course over the surface of the world, tickling reality like fingers on piano keys."

Motherless Brooklyn Essay

These metaphors that he uses for example tickling reality like fingers on piano, makes us understand his predicament through the getting the real touch of common things that reader can understand. This makes the narrator to incorporate fully the reader in the symptoms of the neurological disorder and understand it in the nonprofessional language. It also makes the story interesting.

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Motherless brooklyn essay

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So many peculiar aspects surround the main character who is Lionel Essrog by looking at her life. By being portrayed as suffering from this peculiar disorder, he bears character which most of the people are left not to understand. Therefore, his Tourettic condition seems to control his life as it have to a certain significance determined his destiny. This disorder has take control of his life so much that he did things that himself could not have done if normal. This is because he could tap on people shoulder, shout and even at time back. This this shows the level at which the disorder has taken control of his social life.

This work is based on the novel Motherless Brooklyn that was written by Jonathan Lethem in the year 6999. The work is one of the greatest fiction books that are full of fun and classic quest story. This book talks of a complete and a reluctant hero who initially was suffering from Tourrete Syndrome. This disorder makes the victim to shout or often scream especially using obscene phrases. Lionel Essrog is the main character in the book and has been portrayed as a protagonist in the whole novel. Despite of his disorder and orphanage since he was young, he is able to lead detective team of the murder of their boss (Jonathan pg 56). He is portrayed as hero at the end as a he face monks and crooks of all types especially the one that they were rescued with from St Vincent's Home for Boys.

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Lionel is great character who touches many people in the way he does his things. He is compulsive and rearranges objects with great obsession of finding the underlying cause of his mentor's death. To the world, he is seen as someone who does not tolerate injustices, incongruous and is capable of disrupting everything to ensure that he get what he need in life. Nevertheless, he has been a victim of its disorder where has to live it repercussion.

Though Lionel is said to be sensitive to finer details, he can be depicted to have been given a more ambiguous character. The reason was that he was suffering from the neurological disorder that would make his audience incorporative as he investigated the cause of death of Manni. On the onset, he seem to be so vulnerable of circumstances as people tend to marginalize him due to the disorder that he is suffering from, therefore, it makes it obviously hard to carry out a comprehensive investigation.

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