Nazca - Nazca (1985)

Publicado el 06 mayo 2022 por Moebius

Todo un hito en la historia musical mexicana, con su maravilloso y oscurísimo RIO / Avant-Prog, sus influencias de Art Zoyd y Univers Zero que abrieron un camino en la música de latinoamérica que hasta ese entonces nadie había tomado, y no hay duda de que nuestros amigos mexicanos tuvieron que escuchar sus discos una y otra vez para entregar este debut magistral en 1985. Parte de la mejor tradición de música vanguardista mexicana y latinoamericana, si no lo conocen se los recomiendo, si es que tienen el valor para tratar de digerir esta zona oscura de la cultura más áspera. Prueben, vean de que están hechos... ¿eres hombre o ratón? Notable e imprescindible en el blog cabeza.

Artista: Nazca
Álbum: Nazca
Año: 1985
Género: RIO / Avant-Prog
Duración: 32:59
Nacionalidad: México

es parte de lo mejor de la música progresiva de México, el estupendo quinteto de rock en oposición no solo es reconocido en su país, sí en todo el universo de la buena música. Percusiones, fagot, oboe, piano y un violín fantástico. Existen momentos más íntimos y placenteros, con el solo escuchar a los instrumentos expeler sus notas musicales, en otros captamos la agudeza dramática de varios textos, de igual manera existen puntos de reunión de todos los instrumentos, logrando un conjunto armónico impredecible.  

Extraordinario disco de música que uno duda en situar en qué estilo catalogarlo, pero sobre todo muy legítimos artistas al escuchar esta magnífica obra, tanto se asemeja, por momentos, a una composición de música clásica contemporánea. ... Sin embargo, Art Zoyd y Univers Zero vienen a la mente de manera muy natural.

Nazca y su obra han rebasado fronteras musicales, engalanando sus trabajos con los matices propios de su cultura, lo hacen aun más interesante su trabajo.

Contemporáneos de grupos como Iconoclasta o Chac Mool y partidarios de una profecía común (un rock de cultura UNAM), NAZCA "inventa" una música compleja, experimental y un tanto pretensiosa. Su influencia más evidente se nota en el King Crimson de la época, Henry Cow, Art Zoyd y Univers Zero.
Para todos los que gusten (o experimenten sensaciones, no lo sé) con el RIO, ésta es una obra recomendada.
Nazca is the name of an 80`s RIO Mexican band, which sadly only released 2 studio albums (produced by themselves), their name is because of the ancient peruvian culture (The Lines of Nazca).
Sadly here in Mexico progressive rock is not well - known, now im my country i cant find any radio station which plays some prog, only pop and commercial songs , but deep im progressive rock neither, so here in Prog Archives i want to promote some of my country`s prog rock. Nazca is (was) a five members band, which tried to create an original sound, influenced by older RIO artists like Art Zoyd or Univers Zero, also i think King Crimson were in their minds and ears in that era, but believe me, is not the same, is not simply another band, i say this because they used besides classic instruments such as piano or violin, a fagot, which here particularly remind me to our ancient cultures, the sound created in some passages is like if you are in prehispanic times, surrounded by pyramids in an obscure but beautiful place, showing me that culture and history is not dead.
In some songs is evident that they had at the time much imagination to create music, the first song "De Oir Te Duele La Boca" is a clear example of the direction of this album, great arrangements, about 7 minutes of pure obscured and challenging Avant - Garde, and since that firt song we can perceive the talent of the band. "Sueño Tras la Ventana" is a short but nice song, created to breath deeply and feel the beauty of te music. "El Viaje de los Muertos" is a great song, with nice drums always in the perfect time, the piano and oboe are great evoking a strange atmosphere. "Lladotropogato", i dont have idea of what the name means, in fact i havent listened to that "word/name" again, and like the weird name the music is weird, this is the largest track, believe me, it is totally great, again violin and piano making excellent music. "La Rebelion de los Colgados" is a song plenty of Fagot and dark - ancient atmospheres, that repetitive piano freaks me when i listen to it. "Paguro del Dia Gris" is the shortest song, and maybe my less favorite, is not bad, but is the song which less imagination, here we can appreciate the exquisite sound of violin and cello. "Nazca" is the last song, i dont know if it is somthing like a hidden track , because in the album`s book says that here are only 6 songs, but when i put the cd i listen to 7, this song is a nice end, not the best song o f the album, but because of it`s slow tempo makes it great.
After all, this innovatie (in Mexico) style of music has not been a point of attention between my fellows, there are only a few who really appreciate and enjoy this bands and albums, talking about Nazca, i think they dissapeared for becoming another band, that was not bad because it was another prog band, but not with the same Nazca`s sound. I Highly recommend this album for everyone who want to dig some of mexican prog, and for those RIO lovers. It is great, but not a masterpiece, 4 stars is good for it.!
Guillermo Urdapilleta
Lista de Temas:
1. De Oir Le Duele La Boca
2. Sueño Tras La Ventana
3. El Viaje De Los Muertos
4. Lladotropogato
5. La Rebelion De Los Colgados
6. Paguros Del Dia Gris
7. Nazca

- Alejandro Sanchez / violin
- Carlos Ruiz / oboe, bassoon
- Guauahtemoc Novelo / drums & percussion
- Jorge Gaitan / bass, viola
- Carlo Nicolau / piano, cello