Otros de mi amigo gales

Por Torrens

En Mississippi un joven entra corriendo en la tienda y le dice a su amigo “Bubba, alguien acaba de robar tu furgo del parking”. Bubba contesta “Has visto quien era”. El joven contesta “No lo conozco, pero le tomé la matricula”

The young man from Mississippi came running into the store and said to his buddy, “Bubba, somebody just stole your pickup truck from the parking lot!”. Bubba replied, ” Di d y’all see who it was?”.The young man answered, “I couldn’t tell, but I got the license number.”

Un señor de edad avanzada en Louisiana dice “Cuando llegue el fin del mundo espero estar en Louisiana”. le preguntan porque y contesta “Prefiero que me pille en Louisiana porque todo ocurre en Louisiana 20 años más tarde que en el resto del mundo”.

A senior citizen in Louisiana was overheard saying … “When the end of the world comes, I hope to be in Louisiana .”. When asked why, he replied, “I’d rather be in Louisiana ’cause everything happens in Louisiana 20 years later than in the rest of the world.”

El propietario de un campo de golf en Georgia no entiende bien el importe a pagar de una factura y decide llamar a su secretaria para que le ayude en el cálculo. La llama a su despacho y le dice “Te graduaste en matemáticas en la Universidad de Georgia, y necesito que me ayudes. Si te doy $ 20.000 menos el 14%, que sacarías?. La secretaria piensa un instante y dice “Todo menos mis pendientes”

The owner of a golf course in Georgia was confused about paying an invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some mathematical help. He called her into his office and said, “Y’all graduated from the University of Georgia , and I need some help. If I wuz to give yew $20,000, minus 14%, how much would you take off?”. The secretary thought a moment, and then replied, “Everything but my earrings.”