PS-English: "My friend lose all the identity with his new girlfriend called globalization"

Por Proyectosinergias
Con la intención de ampliar nuestras fronteras y poder tener una comunicación mucho más global en la web, hoy inauguro la nueva sección "english" en Proyectosinergias. Está iniciativa no será para publicar notas de prensa o artículos encontrados en la web (eso sería simple vagancia) sino más la de intentar crear nuestros propios textos para que tengan una mayor repercusión y puedan ser leídos por más personas. Para fundar este nuevo apartado os dejo un pequeño texto sobre identidad y globalización que escribí no hace mucho tiempo.
Image I took during the Istanbul Design Week 2010
"My friend lose all the identity with his new girlfriend called globalization"
In any object or city, identity it's just the opposite side of the balance than globalization. The influence of something in another, is that much important when have spend more time together or in common; they somehow merge in order to become just one thing, just one place.
In Our days, thanks of the new technologies starting from the net; people, objects, concepts, cities they come closer everyplace around the world and meet together. It´s so easy to find similarities between everyplace around the world because most of physical boundaries had already broken. But what its happening its not that beautiful as it looks. Becoming together means scarify of identity. We are losing the personalities of our places without worry about what our place and mother had teach us.
Place who have more identity it's that one who is undeveloped, but the place where you can feel better the "destruction" of globalization it's the one where it´s just happening now the loose of personality.
We can equivalent Identity in the objects with personality in the people. We all know that, how much time you spend together with another person you come closer to each other, you become like the same person and have lots of things to share together. A couple use to be different individuals that merge into someone else in the middle point of the balance.
Everyone of us had feel that some nice friend that he have its just became someone else just because he got a new girlfriend. It happens that we are losing our cities with relationships as we are losing ourselves with some possessive girlfriends.
But, ¿what can this friend do for not to become a clone of his girlfriend? Solution it's just to care about his old friends, to don't forget who he is, and where he come from. We should be just conscience of what we are doing for not to get surprises in more further time. We should just think of not to lose what it makes us different: our culture.
It's not allow in the future to say: I don't have friends or I lose the identity of my city.