- 1/2 kilo de base de jabón de glicerina moldeable.
- 4 cucharadas de leche entera en polvo.
- 20 gotas de aceite de almendras dulces.
- 1 cucharada de miel.
- 1 cucharada de trocitos de cera de abejas.
- 8-10 ml de esencia de vainilla.
TRUCO: Si le añades unas cucharadas de copos de avena molida, queda un estupendo exfoliante.
This soap recipe, you can make handmade soap milk and honey-based glycerin.
1/2 kilo of glycerine soap moldable.
4 tablespoons whole milk powder.
20 drops of sweet almond oil.
1 tablespoon honey.
1 tablespoon chopped beeswax.
8-10 ml vanilla essence.
Cut the soap base cubes and melted together with beeswax in a water bath. When completely melted, remove from heat and add the remaining ingredients except the fragrance. Let cool slightly and add vanilla essence now. Dumps into molds.
This is a very soft emollient soap with light vanilla scent, which will be the color of honey once cold.
TIP: If you add a few tablespoons of ground oatmeal flakes, is a great exfoliant.VISITA ESTE SITIO. FOMENTA EL CONSUMO DE MIEL Y DIFUNDE LA ACTIVIDAD APÍCOLA.