Hello readers! How are you? I tired, I began my practice of design and this get up early every day exhausts me. The other day I wanted to buy shoes but I found this shoe store in Paris, and had seen before but did not convince me. New look beautiful, but to be used for one day and everything changes, such material is a dust trap! get dirty as fast as they are black is more noticeable, that's the only flaw since being synthetic is a love for me.
¿Las ven un poco sucias? la verdad es que tengo que limpiarlas cada cierto tiempo
¿Ven la primera imagen la parte del talón? las he usado una semana, y solo un poco, y ya la goma se derritió! Will look a little dirty? the truth is that I have to clean them every so often
You see the first image the heel? I have used them a week, and only a little, and it melted gum!*Amigos, no compren zapatos y nada de cuero, no aporten para el sufrimiento de otros*Friends do not buy leather shoes or anything, do not contribute to the suffering of others