It's not a mystery I'm a big fan of doc martens shoes. Although they are the most uncomfortable shoes you can ever wear, they are so aesthetically great that the pain stays in the background. When I saw the spiked edition I fell in love with it but I didn't want to spend more than 200€ in a uncomfy shoes but voilá! I saw it in Luisa Via Roma in a bargain and are now mine!
No es ningún misterio que soy un fan incondicional de las doc martens. Aunque son los zapatos más incómodos que puedas ponerte nunca, son tan geniales a nivel estético que las rozaduras y dolores pasan a un segundo plano. Cuando vi la edición con tachuelas me enamoré completamente pero pasaba de gastarme más de 200€ en unos zapatos con los que prácticamente no puedes ni andar, pero voilá! los vi en Luisa Via Roma a precio de ganga y ya son míos!
It's not a mystery I'm a big fan of doc martens shoes. Although they are the most uncomfortable shoes you can ever wear, they are so aesthetically great that the pain stays in the background. When I saw the spiked edition I fell in love with it but I didn't want to spend more than 200€ in a uncomfy shoes but voilá! I saw it in Luisa Via Roma in a bargain and are now mine!
Shirt - Jil SanderCardigan - ZaraJeans - AcneShoes - Dr. MartensSunnies - &other stories
It's not a mystery I'm a big fan of doc martens shoes. Although they are the most uncomfortable shoes you can ever wear, they are so aesthetically great that the pain stays in the background. When I saw the spiked edition I fell in love with it but I didn't want to spend more than 200€ in a uncomfy shoes but voilá! I saw it in Luisa Via Roma in a bargain and are now mine!