Nacida en Londres, Cara Delevigne, con sólo 20 años y dos años en el mercado, se ganó las principales pasarelas del mundo con su fresca sonrisa, sus gruesas cejas y su personalidad burbujeante. Nombrada como la modelo del año 2012 en Inglaterra, compartió pasarela con los grandes nombres de la industria y trabajó con marcas de la talla de Chanel, Burberry y Dolce & Gabanna, entre otras. Pero su curriculum no fue lo que llamó más la atención, sino su personalidad al vestir y como la transmite en todo trabajo que realice. Analicemos un poco más su estilo:
Born in London, Cara Delevigne, with only 20 years and two years in the market, won the main runways of the world with her fresh smile, her thick eyebrows and her bubbly personality. Named as the 2012 model year in England, shared runway with the biggest names in the industry and worked with brands like Chanel, Burberry and Dolce & Gabbana, among others. But her curriculum is not what drew my attention, it was her personality to dress and how it's transmitted in any work she does. Let's look at her style:
Her long blonde hair never goes unnoticed by always being loose and natural, with beanies as the best accessory that are now her trademark. As for makeup often highlight her impressive eyebrows and occasionally opt for brightly colored lipsticks.
Her presence on the red carpet is always impressive, starring a perfect blend of elegance, glamor and rock, and its color preferably black though metals are her second best option.
With a mix of minimalism, rock and hip hop, Cara walks the streets of the fashion capitals of the world. Her style is eclectic, personal, estate opposed that creates perfection. One more reason to love Cara and dream to be her, at least for a day.
¿Conocían a Cara? ¿Qué les parece su estilo?
Did you know Cara? What do you think of her style?
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