(The Raf, un misterioso ser que no se sabe si es animal, vegetal o mineral, vuelve a atacar en Bangkok. Copipego su invitación en su especialísimo e intraducible inglés)
Ladies and gentlemen
Ready yourselves to be dazzled,
You are cordially invited to the eagerly anticipated first public exhibition and World premiere of Phylum, a specimen prints exhibit to take place at Eat Me restaurant on June 16th. Those who consider themselves faint-hearted or prone to puzzlement on witnessing strange prodigies and freaky rarities are discouraged to attend, as are children under the age of nine because the restaurant's chairs are too high for them. Ladies and gentlemen of sophisticated taste and a liking for the extraordinary are warmly welcomed to this first public exhibition of the collection of rare and little known life forms whose existence defies the boundaries of science, religion and even good taste. Dress code is casual but barefoot individuals will be frowned upon profusely.