Trunk of Treasures

Por Sara @BauldeCaprichos
Nunca pensé que tenía tantos complementos hasta que empecé a guardarlos en mi nuevo baúl, hasta ahora los tenía en varios joyeros por aqui y por allá pero ahora los tengo todos ordenados en un sólo lugar. Esta hecho por mi padre que es un manitas y por mi hermana que heredó todas las cualidades, a mi no me tocó nada de eso en los genes...jeje... no me ha quedado ni un hueco para meter complementos nuevos, ¿necesitaré otro baúl? ¿vosotras guardais toda vuestra bisutería y joyitas en un mismo lugar?
Non ho mai pensato che avrei avuto cosí tanti accessori fino a quando ho iniziato a metterli nel mio nuovo baule, fino ad ora, li avevo in diversi gioiellieri qua e lá, ma ora li ho tutti ordinati in un unico luogo. É fatto per mio padre e mia sorella che ha ereditato tutte le qualitá. Non ho lasciato nessun posto per mettere nuovi accessori, avró bisogno di un altro baule? Voi mantenete il vostro gioielli e gemme in un unico luogo?
I never thought I had so many accessories to keep them in my new trunk. It's made by my father who is a handyman and my sister who inherited all the qualities of my father. I filled all the gaps, will I need one more trunk for new plugins? Do you keep your accessories in one place?

From top to bottom and from left to right: hairdband: Blanco, Bracelet: Mango (old), Bracelet: made by my sister, Rings: made by mi sister & steet market, necklace & bracelet: gift from Mexico, necklace: made by my sister, necklace: made by my sister, earring: Mango, brooch: Stradivarius.

From top to bottom and from left to right: Earring: gift from Mexico, earring & necklace: Tous, earring & ring: Tous, bracelet: made by my sister, bracelet: Tous, necklace: made by my sister, Rings: Bimba&Lola, Bracelet: Juicy Couture.

From left to right: Necklace: Mango & Stradivarius, Pearl: I don't know, Black necklace: Stradivarius, Leather necklace: Massimo Dutti, Ball necklace: Dayaday

Mil gracias por vuestros comentarios y feliz domingo! Mañana os espero con un nuevo outfit post!

Tante grazie per i vostri commenti e buona domenica! Domani vi aspetto con un nuovo outfit post!
Thank you very much for all your comment and have a nice Sunday! Tomorrow, new outfit post!