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En la anterior entrada acabamos mencionando que la noche había sido muy larga en el autobús. Pues aquí nuestra experiencia, si bien todo empezó con buen pie, el asistente en el autobús nos trajo algo para beber y comer, teníamos nuestra propia pantalla en el autobús para ver películas, escuchar música o más actividades para entretenernos, (aunque la mía fue la única que estaba estropeada en el autobús L) los asientos eran muy cómodos, y la temperatura agradable. Pronto empezamos a tener algunos problemas, para empezar el asistente se puso a controlar los pasaportes en el asiento de delante nuestra, así que con la luz encendida no dejaba mucha opción para dormir, cuando comenzamos a dormirnos, el autobús entró en una zona de “turbulencias” había un desvío en la carretera principal, una vez superadas y de nuevos casi dormidos, llegamos a Plodiv, otra de las paradas en Bulgaria, así pues con la luz encendida para todos, gente entrando y saliendo y reparto de nuevo de comida y bebidas para los nuevos. Acabado esto y de nuevo ya adormecidos llegamos a la frontera con Turquía, pasamos la primera parte sin problema y después el autobús paró 30 minutos en la zona libre de impuestos… para acto seguido ir a la frontera Turca, en la cual tardamos otros 20 minutos para pasarla, incluyendo consiguiendo el visado en la frontera para toda la gente que lo necesitaba (en este caso sólo mi persona, rumanos y búlgaros no necesitan L). Finalmente una vez en Turquía ya no tuvimos ninguna parada más ni problemas en la carretera, con la suerte que llegamos una hora antes de lo previsto y unas ojeras mayores de las planeadas.
El autobús nos dejó en la mega estación central de Estambul, la cual está un poco a tomar por culo del centro, pero teníamos la suerte de que la compañía que usamos Metro Turizm tenían autobuses gratuitos que te acercaban al centro. Estos salían cada hora desde la estación central e indican las direcciones a las que van, no tiene perdida incluso si no hablas turco J. En nuestro caso nuestro hostal estaba en la zona de Sultanahmed así que la parada gratuita más cercana era Aksaray, desde ahí tienes dos opciones o coger el tranvía o ir caminando, después de estar embutidos en el autobús por tantas horas escogimos la segunda opción. Ojo que si se os ocurre hacerlo también como lo hicimos nosotros estar prevenidos que vais a tener que subir varias cuestas 😉
Nuestro hostal, estaba detrás de la mezquita azul, con lo cual nuestra entrada fue impresionante, pasando por el hipódromo, la mezquita azul, Hagia Sofía. Todo un espectáculo para la vista y muchos siglos de historia en tan poco espacio.
Cómo llegamos un poco temprano al hostal, a las 8:00 no pudimos hacer el check in, pero el personal en el hostal nos invitó a desayunar, como teníamos el desayuno comprado de la noche anterior y pudimos dejar las mochilas en el hostal, decidimos irnos a la plaza de Sultanahmed y desayunar viendo Hagia Sofía y la mezquita azul y después dar una vuelta mientras hacíamos tiempo para la hora del check in.

Dentro de la mezquita azul – Inside of the blue mosque
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Cover your hair" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499499222","copyright":"","focal_length":"42","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Dentro de la mezquita azul - Inside of the blue mosque" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3262" data-large-file="" />Dentro de la mezquita azul – Inside of the blue mosque
Una vez desayunados y como teníamos tiempo fuimos a visitar la mezquita azul, la cual se puede visitar de forma gratuita, y al ser primera hora de la mañana no había mucha gente y se podían evitar los grandes grupos de turistas que la visitan cada hora. Para entrar en la mezquita tienes que ir vestido de forma apropiada, sin pantalones cortes, ni enseñando los hombros, al mismo tiempo las mujeres tienen que llevar el pelo cubierto. Para entrar tienes que quitarte los zapatos, (te dan una bolsa de plástico para ponerlos) y puedes caminar por las alfombras de la catedral. Describir la mezquita es tarea ardua difícil, así pues aquí os dejo unas fotos para que admiréis la misma.
Una vez acabado nos fuimos a ver Hagia Sofía, para la cual si que teníamos que comprar entrada. Si vas a visitar varios museos o monumentos, lo mejor es comprar la tarjeta de los museos, ya que con la entrada a Hagia Sofia y el palacio de Topkapi ya ahorras. Si a ello añades que puedes visitar muchos más museos compensa.
Hagia Sofia tiene una historia muy interesante desde su fundación, como iglesia católica hasta su conversión a mezquita. Uno de los datos más curiosos es que ha sido la mitad del tiempo iglesia y la otra mitad mezquita. En la actualidad se ha convertido en museo y no se usa para servicios religiosos. Entrar en la iglesia/mezquita y ver su magnitud es algo que no tiene parangón. Lástima que cuando nosotros fuimos estaban restaurando parte del sitio, con lo cual parte de su encanto se veía mermado, aunque al ser tan de mañana tuvimos la suerte de evitar cientos de turistas que más tarde harían cola para entrar a verla.
Interior Hagia Sofia
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Interior Hagia Sofia" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499502572","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"1250","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Interior Hagia Sofia" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3265" data-large-file="" />Interior Hagia Sofia
Una vez realizado el check in y después de que el personal del hostal nos diera varias indicaciones y mapas y todo la ayuda e información que le pedíamos (si tenéis ocasión hospedaros allí ¡Lo recomiendo!), nos fuimos a comer. Andaba con ganas de volver a probar un bocadillo de pescado, así que nos fuimos al mejor sitio para comerlo, al puente de Galata donde se comen algunos de los mejores y literalmente por cuatro duros, nos costó la comida por persona casi unos 4 euros, con vistas al Bósforo y en el puente Galata. ¡Un lujazo!
Ya con el buche lleno nos fuimos a hacer uso de nuestra tarjeta de los museos y nos fuimos a ver el museo de historia y arqueología. El cual descubrimos a nuestra llegada que estaba parcialmente en reconstrucción debido al terremoto que hubo en Junio de este año, aunque parte de los fondos estaban disponibles al público y podías ver parte la historia de la ciudad así como de la región. La exhibición era interesante y se podía aprender bastante no obstante, con la falta de sueño que traíamos y la saturación ya parcial de Hagia Sofia, la mezquita azul y ver en general la ciudad, al cabo de un rato estábamos sólo paseando por el museo sin prestar mucha atención, pero quedándonos con la impresión general.
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Medusa" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499529377","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"1400","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Medusa" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3273" data-large-file="" />Al día siguiente desayunamos en el hostal y nos fuimos a ver el palacio de Topkapi y los harenes reales. Topkapi se encuentra detrás de Hagia Sofia, y es uno de los complejos de mayor extensión en Sultanahmed así que no tiene pérdida.
Como teníamos la tarjeta de los museos no pagamos nada y nos saltamos la pequeña cola que se estaba formando. Lo primero que fuimos a ver en el complejo palaciego fue la vista panorámica que se pueden ver al fondo de los jardines, desde la cual puedes ver los dos lados de la ciudad con el Bósforo separándolos. Otra vista más que te hace enamorar de la ciudad. El complejo palaciego de por si necesita de varias horas para poder visitarlo, ya que dispone de varias salas para entrar con muchos elementos expuestos, nosotros estuvimos casi 4 horas contando con la parte del Harem (se necesita entrada separada si no tienes la tarjeta de los museos), y eso que al final estábamos sólo paseando y varias partes del edificio estaban siendo restauradas. Pero bien se puede pasar casi un día si quieres conocer la historia a fondo del lugar.
Con el hambre ya en el cuerpo nos fuimos en dirección a Ortaköy para disfrutar de la zona. Para ir a Ortaköy desde Sultanahmed lo mejor es hacerlo en tranvía, coger el T2 e ir a la última parada, Kabatas. Desde allí hay dos opciones o caminar a lo largo de la carretera, pasando por palacios y al lado del mar, o ir en un autobús como una lata de sardinas sin aire acondicionado y con 30 grados fuera… La opción uno nos pareció la más sana 😉 Si vais a estar una temporada larga en Estambul lo mejor para moverse, además de las piernas, es comprar una tarjeta de transporte que cuesta 6 liras y después cada billete cuesta 2,60 liras, uno normal cuesta 4 liras, y puede ser usada por dos personas y la tarjeta puede ser recargada cuantas veces quieras. Trataremos de vender la tarjeta a nuestra ida de Estambul para poder recuperar parte del coste 😀
Volviendo al tema, porque irnos tan lejos a Ortaköy, lo principal fue para disfrutar de la zona sin muchos turistas… miento lo principal fue para ir a comer Kumpir, ya que existen varios puestos especializados en la zona, y además después también tienen mega waffles rellenos de todo 😮
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Kumpir" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499605159","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Kumpir" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3270" data-large-file="" />Kumpir
Para los que no sepáis que es un Kumpir, (la comida turca va más allá del kebab) es una patata gigante asada a la cual se añade queso y mantequilla y después eliges con que quieres rellenarlo, la lista de cosas a poner es larga y además para que elegir si tienes la opción de pedir todo 😀 Después de comido el Kumpir y disfrutado de un waffle con chocolate, pistacho, nueces, fresas y plátano, nos fuimos a tomar un café turco a unos de los cafés que estaban al lado del mar, y así poder admirar la mezquita y el puente que une Asia con Europa. Desde Ortaköy puedes disfrutar de varios paseos por el Bósforo así que nos metimos en uno de ellos para ver el Bósforo desde dentro. Todos los cruceros que hacen este viaje terminan en el segundo puente que conecta con Asia así pues no es muy largo, tarda una hora entre ida y vuelta, pero puedes ver un poco más allá de Estambul y apreciar otras fortalezas, palacios, casas de lujo, pueblos al lado del estrecho. Si nunca has hecho un crucero siempre es bueno empezar por este, aunque el tour duraba una hora a nosotros se nos hizo corto el recorrido.
Una vez acabado este último decidimos poner rumbo al barrio de Taksim, además de donde se reúne la gente de Estambul para exigir sus derechos o celebrar cuando gana su equipo de futbol, esta zona está llena de vida con muchos bares, tiendas de varios tipos y lugares a donde ir a comer. El paseo desde Ortaköy no fue corto y también nos perdimos el usar el teleférico, porque llegamos 10 minutos después del cierre, así que nos tuvimos que bajar el valle y volver a subirlo, para poder llegar a nuestro destino. Destino el cual nos sorprendió porque había un festival tradicional, donde se podía escuchar música local y ver artesanías de Turquía, algo más original que las típicas tiendas de suvenires que se encontraban por otros sitios.
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Taksim" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499622298","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Taksim" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3276" data-large-file="" />Taksim
Después de visitar la zona y de haber caminado más de 25 kilómetros ese día, añadiéndole el calor y que habíamos escogido la parte con más relieve del lado Europeo para caminar, ya andábamos con las escasas fuerzas así que en lugar de ir a ver la parte de la torre de Galata que estaba a 10 minutos caminando decidimos ir al hostal y volver al día siguiente. El problema fue a la vuelta bajando desde Taksim y la zona de Galata (esta zona es el área hipster de Estambul) tuvimos mala pata, nunca mejor dicho, y Ale se torció el tobillo, al hacer un mal paso. Por suerte podía caminar y el tranvía estaba cerca. En casa tiramos de botiquín y pusimos un gel para que no se inflamara y lo vendamos.
Nuestro tercer día los planes cambiaron un poco y fuimos a comprar un vendaje elástico para poner en el tobillo y ese día nos lo tomamos con calma, así que evaluando la situación y viéndolo factible nos fuimos despacito a ver el gran bazar. Lo bueno de dejar todo durante un año y no tener casa fija es que no puedes comprar suvenires, y la verdad es que cambia la actitud, y empiezas a apreciar otras cosas como la experiencia de estar en el gran bazar el recuerdo de las lámparas turcas colgando de los escaparates como un cielo estrellado, perderse en el bazar sin saber a donde tienes que ir, disfrutar de los ingeniosos comentarios de los vendedores para hacerte entrar en sus negocios o al menos tentarte. Al salir del bazar, empezamos a caminar sin rumbo, por las calles de Estambul, menos visitadas en las cuales apenas ves turistas y no te “atacan” para venderte algo. Sin quererlo ni buscarlo acabamos en el segundo gran mercado de Estambul, en el de las especies, el cual es todo un banquete para tu olfato con tantos olores viniendo a tu nariz. Lo cual, añadido a la hora, hizo que nos entrara un poco de hambre, así que aprovechando donde estábamos fuimos a comer de nuevo al puente de Galata. Esta vez escogimos otro sitio para comer, aunque al final acabamos comiendo de nuevo bocadillos de pescado, riquísimos. Para no forzar el tobillo fuimos de vuelta al hostal a descansar a última hora fuimos a dar un paseo de nuevo por el hipódromo, para verlo de noche sin el alboroto masivo de turistas diurnos.
Gran bazar – Great bazaar
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Great baazar" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499686774","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Gran bazar - Great bazaar" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3280" data-large-file="" />Gran bazar – Great bazaar
El último día como Ale tenía el tobillo aún dolorido, al final no fuimos al museo de arte islámico (el cual la página web oficial ponía que estaba cerrada, pero no era así…) y lo dejamos para la vuelta. Nos fuimos a la estación del Marmaray (el metro que pasa por debajo del Bósforo) en dirección a la estación de tren de alta velocidad en el lado asiático. Desde la última parada del Marmaray tienes que coger un metro hasta la penúltima estación, Pendik y después desde allí puedes ir caminando, ya que son unos 10 15 minutos cuesta abajo y con buenas indicaciones, sólo tienes que seguir las señales del YHT (tren de alta velocidad turco). Lo que nos dimos cuenta en esta parte de la ciudad es de los precios “reales” de la comida para la gente local, los cuales eran casi la mitad de precio de lo que costaba por la zona turística. Por ejemplo nuestra última comida en Estambul nos costó unos 15 Liras Turcas (3 euros y poco), para los dos y todo por un plato de pollo y pilav y un kebab de pollo con patatas fritas incluyendo agua y una cola… Esto en la parte europea por el centro nos hubiera costado unas 40 Liras (10 euros) para los dos… y aun así es barato…
En la estación de Pendik, cuando quisimos comprar los billetes de tren estaba casi todo vendido y la única opción que tuvimos fue coger los billetes con comida incluida… lo cual no fue un problema ya que eran sólo 20 liras más y nos “ahorrábamos” la cena. Así pues no lo dudamos y compramos los billetes por 90 liras (22,5 euros, cena incluida) con destino a Ankara. Si queréis comprar un billete normal lo mejor es ir por la página de trenes turca un par de días antes o en cualquier estación os lo sacan por 70 liras (17 euros)
Que ver en tres días en Estambul
- Hagia Sofia
- Mezquita azul
- Palacio y Harem de Topkapi
- Plaza de Sultanahmed e hipódromo
- Galata
- Estación del Orient express
- Ortaköy
- Visita por el Bósforo
- Museo de Arqueología
- Taksim
- Comer mucha comida Turca, (más allá del kebab)
Mezquita azul – Blue Mosque
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Blue Mosque" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499499196","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Mezquita azul - Blue Mosque" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3283" data-large-file="" />Mezquita azul – Blue Mosque
Un gato bizantino in Hagia Sofia? – Byzantine cat in Hagia Sofia?
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Byzantin cat in Hagia Sofia" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499502538","copyright":"","focal_length":"70","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Un gato bizantino in Hagia Sofia? - Byzantine cat in Hagia Sofia?" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3284" data-large-file="" />Un gato bizantino in Hagia Sofia? – Byzantine cat in Hagia Sofia?
Fortaleza sobre el Bosforo – Fortress along the Bosphorus
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Castle along Bosphorus" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499613852","copyright":"","focal_length":"35","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Fortaleza sobre el Bosforo - Fortress along the Bosphorus" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3285" data-large-file="" />Fortaleza sobre el Bosforo – Fortress along the Bosphorus
Embarcación vendiendo bocadillos de pescado – boat selling fish sandwich
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Fish sandwich boat" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499691133","copyright":"","focal_length":"150","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Embarcación vendiendo bocadillos de pescado - boat selling fish sandwich" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3286" data-large-file="" />Embarcación vendiendo bocadillos de pescado – boat selling fish sandwich
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Harem (2)" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499596615","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Harem" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3287" data-large-file="" />Harem
" data-orig-size="450,677" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px" data-image-title="Harem" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499596898","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"2500","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Harem" srcset=" 450w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3288" data-large-file="" />Harem
Estación del Orient express – Orient express station
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Orient express station" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499692414","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"220","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Estación del Orient express - Orient express station" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3289" data-large-file="" />Estación del Orient express – Orient express station
Estatua de Alejandro Magno – Statue of Alexander the Great
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Statue of Alexander the great" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499524107","copyright":"","focal_length":"28","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Estatua de Alejandro Magno - Statue of Alexander the Great" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3293" data-large-file="" />Estatua de Alejandro Magno – Statue of Alexander the Great
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="topkapi" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499590612","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Topkapi" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3294" data-large-file="" />Topkapi
In the previous post we mentioned that we had a very long night on the bus. Well here is our experience, although everything started well, the bus was on time, the bus attendant brought us something to drink and eat, we had our own screen on the bus to watch movies, listen to music or more activities to entertain ourselves, (although mine was the only one that was not working) the seats were very comfortable and the temperature was pleasant. Soon we started to have some issues, to start the assistant started to control the passports in the seat in front of us, so he had the light on and did not let us to sleep so much with the noise, when finally we started to get sleep, the bus entered into a “Turbulence” zone, there was a detour on the main road due constructions, once that it was passed and we almost fall asleep, we reached Plodiv, another stop in Bulgaria. Again the lights on for everyone, people coming and going and giving again food and drinks for the new ones. Once it was over we manage to fall asleep again just at the same time that we had arrived at the border with Turkey. We passed the first control, in Bulgaria, without any problem and then the bus stopped 30 minutes in the duty free area… to continue after to the Turkish border, which took another 20 minutes to pass it, including getting the visa at the border for all the people who needed it (in this case only my person, Romanians and Bulgarians do not need :(). Finally once in Turkey we did not have any longer further stops or problems on the road, with the luck that we arrived an hour earlier than planned and bigger eye bags that we had planned too.
The bus leave us at Istanbul’s “Mega” central bus station, which is a bit faraway from the center, but we had the fortunate that the company that we used Metro Turizm had free buses that brings you to the center. Those minibuses has a departure every hour from the central station and the directions where they are going are indicated in the minibus, its impossible to get lost even if you do not speak Turkish ;). In our case our hostel was close to the Sultanahmed area so the nearest free stop was Aksaray, from there you have two options or take the tram or walk, after being packed on the bus for so many hours we chose the second option. I warn you if you want to do it too as we did it, its important to know that you are going to climb several slopes 😉
Our hostel was behind the Blue Mosque, which made our entrance breathtaking, past the Hippodrome, Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia. All was a spectacle for the view with so many centuries of history in so little space.
As we had arrived a “little early” to the hostel, at 8:00, we could not check in, but the staff at the hostel invited us to breakfast, as we had breakfast bought from the previous night and we were able to leave the backpacks at the hostel, we decided to go to Sultanahmed square and have breakfast watching Hagia Sofia and the Blue Mosque just to later take a walk around while making time for check-in.
Dentro de la mezquita azul – Inside of the blue mosque
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Cover your hair" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499499222","copyright":"","focal_length":"42","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Dentro de la mezquita azul - Inside of the blue mosque" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3262" data-large-file="" />Dentro de la mezquita azul – Inside of the blue mosque
Once we had breakfast and as we had time we went to visit the Blue Mosque, which can be visited for free, and as it was early in the morning there were not many people and you could avoid the large groups of tourists who visit it every hour. To enter the mosque you have to dress appropriately, without short pants, or showing the shoulders, at the same time women have to had the hair covered, also you have to take off your shoes, (they give you a plastic bag to put them on) and you can walk through the carpets of the cathedral. Describing the mosque is an arduous difficult task, so here are some photos to admire.
Once finished we went to see Hagia Sofia, for which we had to buy entrance. If you are going to visit several museums or monuments in Istanbul, it is best to buy the museums card, since with the entrance to Hagia Sofia and the Topkapi Palace you already save. To this you add the possibility of visiting more museums and it already pays off.
Hagia Sofia has a very interesting history from its foundation, like catholic church until its conversion to mosque. One of the most curious facts is that it has been half of the time a church and the other half a mosque. It has now become a museum and is not used for religious services. Entering the church / mosque and seeing its magnitude is something that is unparalleled. Pity that when we went they were restoring part of the site, which didnt reduce part of its charm, although being so early in the morning we were lucky to avoid hundreds of tourists who later would queue to enter to see it.
Interior Hagia Sofia
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Interior Hagia Sofia" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499502572","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"1250","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Interior Hagia Sofia" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3265" data-large-file="" />Interior Hagia Sofia
After check in in the hostel and after the staff gave us various directions and maps and all the help and information we asked for (if you have an opportunity to stay there we recommend it!), We went to eat. I was looking forward to going back to try a fish sandwich, so we went to the best place to eat it, to the Galata bridge where they eat some of the best and almost for a penny, it cost us per person almost 4 euros, with views to the Bosphorus and the Galata bridge. Awesome!
After being stuffed we went to make use of our museum card and went to see the museum of history and archaeology. We discovered on arrival that it was partially under reconstruction due to the earthquake that occurred in June of this year, although you can still see part of the collection available to the public. In the museum you could see part of the history of the city as well as the region. The exhibition was interesting and could be learned quite a lot, but with our lack of sleep and the already partial saturation of Hagia Sofia, the Blue Mosque and in general visiting the city, after a while we were just strolling through the museum without paying close attention, but leaving us with a general good impression.
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Medusa" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499529377","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"1400","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Medusa" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3273" data-large-file="" />The next day we had breakfast at the hostel and went to see the Topkapi Palace and the Royal Harems. Topkapi is located behind Hagia Sofia, and is one of the most extensive buildings in Sultanahmed so it has no loss.
As we had the museum card we paid nothing at the entrance and we skipped the small queue. The first thing that we went to see in the palatial complex was the panoramic view that can be seen at the bottom of the gardens, from which you can see the two sides of the city with the Bosporus separating them. Another view that makes you fall in love with the city, and shouldnt be missed. The palace complex itself takes several hours to visit, as it has several rooms to enter with many elements exposed, we were almost 4 hours counting with the part of the Harem (you need a separate entrance if you do not have the card of the Museums), and taking into account that at the end we were just walking around and several parts of the palace were being restored. Easily you can spend almost a day if you want to know the history thoroughly of the place.
With the hunger already in the body we went towards Ortaköy to enjoy the area. To go to Ortaköy from Sultanahmed it is best to do it by tram, take the T2 and go to the last stop, Kabatas. From there there are two options or walk along the road, around palaces and close to the sea, or go on a bus like a can of sardines without air conditioning and with 30 degrees outside… The first option was the one that we found the healthiest 😉 If you are going to be a long time in Istanbul the best way to move, besides the legs, is to buy a transport card that costs 6 liras and then each ticket costs 2.60 liras, a normal one costs 4 liras, and the same card can be used by many people also can be recharged as many times as you want. We will try to sell the card to our trip from Istanbul in order to recover part of the cost: D
Returning to the topic, why to go so far to Ortaköy, the main thing was to enjoy the area without many tourists… I lied was to go to eat Kumpir, since there are several specialized posts in the area, and also later on to have a mega waffles stuffed with everything 😮
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Kumpir" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499605159","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Kumpir" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3270" data-large-file="" />Kumpir
For those who do not know what is a Kumpir, (Turkish food goes beyond the kebab) is a giant roasted potato to which they added cheese and butter and then you choose with what you want to fill it, the list of things to put is long but you also have the option to order everything 😀 After eating the Kumpir and enjoyed a waffle with chocolate, pistachio, nuts, strawberries and banana, we went to have a Turkish coffee to one of the cafes that were by the sea, meanwhile we could sit and admire the mosque and the bridge that connects Asia with Europe. From Ortaköy you can enjoy several tours along the Bosphorus so we got into one of them to see the Bosphorus from within. Most of the cruises that make this trip end in the second bridge that connects with Asia so it is not very long, it takes an hour a round-trip, but you can see a little beyond Istanbul and appreciate other forts, palaces, luxury houses, and villages by the strait. If you have never done a cruise it is always good to start with this, even though the tour lasted an hour for us felt too short.
After finishing the tour we decided to head to the Taksim neighborhood, besides to be the place where the people of Istanbul gather to demand their rights or to celebrate when their soccer team wins, this area is full of life with many bars, shops of various types and places to go to eat. The walk from Ortaköy is not a short one, besides that we had missed using the cable car, because we arrived 10 minutes after closing, so we had to go down the valley and go up again, to be able to reach our destination.
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Taksim" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499622298","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Taksim" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3276" data-large-file="" />Taksim
Once we had arrived we had a nice surprise because there was a traditional festival, where you could hear local music and see Turkish crafts, something more original than the typical souvenir shops that were found elsewhere.
After visiting the area and having walked more than 25 kilometers that day, adding the warmth and that we had chosen the hilliest part of the European side to walk, we were already lacking of forces so instead of going to see the part of the Galata tower which was a 10 minute walk we decided to go back to the hostel and return the next day. The problem was on the way back going down from Taksim and the Galata area (this area is the hipster area of Istanbul) we had bad luck and Ale twisted his ankle, doing a bad step. Luckily she could walk and the tram was nearby. At home we took out our first aid kit in order to apply some gel to avoid that will get swollen and we put a bandage.
Our third day plans changed a bit and we went to buy an elastic bandage to put on the ankle and that day we took it easy, so evaluating the situation and seeing it feasible we went slowly to see the big bazaar.
Gran bazar – Great bazaar
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Great baazar" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499686774","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Gran bazar - Great bazaar" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3280" data-large-file="" />Gran bazar – Great bazaar
The good thing about leaving everything for a year and not having a fixed house is that you can not buy souvenirs, and the truth is that the attitude changes, and you start to appreciate other things like the experience of being in the grand bazaar the memory of the Turkish lamps hanging from the windows like a starry sky, getting lost in the bazaar without knowing where you need to go, enjoying the witty comments of the vendors to get you into their business or at least tempt you. As we left the bazaar, we began to walk aimlessly through the less visited streets of Istanbul, in which you hardly see tourists and do not “attack” you to sell you something. Without wishing or looking for it we end up in the second big market in Istanbul, in the species, which is a feast for your smell with so many smells coming to your nose. If we took into account the time, those smells made us feel a little hungry, so taking advantage of where we were we went to eat again to Galata Bridge. This time we chose another place to eat, although in the end we ended up eating again fish sandwiches, delicious. In order to do not force the ankle we went back to the hostel to rest and later on at night we went for a walk again by the hippodrome, to see it at night without the massive bustle of daytime tourists.
The last day as Ale had his ankle still sore, in the end we did not go to the museum of Islamic art (which the official website said that was closed, but it was not like that …) and we left it for the return.
We went to the Marmaray station (the subway that runs under the Bosporus) in order to go to Pendik, the high speed train station, on the Asian side. From the last stop of the Marmaray you have to take a metro to the penultimate station, Pendik and from there you can walk, as it is about 10-15 minutes downhill and with good indications, just follow the YHT signs). What we noticed in this part of town is the “real” prices of food for the locals, which were almost half the price of what it cost for the tourist area. For example our last meal in Istanbul cost us about 15 Turkish Lira (3 euros and little) for both and all for a chicken and pilav dish and a chicken kebab with fries including water and a cola … This in the part European by the center would have cost us about 40 Liras (10 euros) for both … and still it’s cheap …
At Pendik station, when we wanted to buy the train tickets but they were all almost sold out being the only option that we had was to take the places in the cafeteria wagon that included food… which was not a problem for us since they were just only 20 lire more and we “saved” the money of the dinner. So we did not hesitate and bought tickets for 90 lire (22.5 euros, dinner included) to Ankara. If you want to buy a normal ticket it is best to go by the Turkish train page a couple of days before or in any season you get it for 70 lire (17 euros)
What to see in three days in Istanbul
• Hagia Sofia
• Blue Mosque
• Topkapi Palace and Harem
• Sultanahmed Square and Hippodrome
• Galata
• Orient express station
• Ortaköy
• Visit to the Bosphorus
• Museum of Archeology
• Taksim
• Eat a lot of Turkish food, (beyond kebab)
Mezquita azul – Blue Mosque
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Blue Mosque" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499499196","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Mezquita azul - Blue Mosque" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3283" data-large-file="" />Mezquita azul – Blue Mosque
Un gato bizantino in Hagia Sofia? – Byzantine cat in Hagia Sofia?
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Byzantin cat in Hagia Sofia" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499502538","copyright":"","focal_length":"70","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Un gato bizantino in Hagia Sofia? - Byzantine cat in Hagia Sofia?" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3284" data-large-file="" />Un gato bizantino in Hagia Sofia? – Byzantine cat in Hagia Sofia?
Fortaleza sobre el Bosforo – Fortress along the Bosphorus
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Castle along Bosphorus" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499613852","copyright":"","focal_length":"35","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Fortaleza sobre el Bosforo - Fortress along the Bosphorus" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3285" data-large-file="" />Fortaleza sobre el Bosforo – Fortress along the Bosphorus
Embarcación vendiendo bocadillos de pescado – boat selling fish sandwich
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Fish sandwich boat" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499691133","copyright":"","focal_length":"150","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Embarcación vendiendo bocadillos de pescado - boat selling fish sandwich" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3286" data-large-file="" />Embarcación vendiendo bocadillos de pescado – boat selling fish sandwich
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Harem (2)" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499596615","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Harem" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3287" data-large-file="" />Harem
" data-orig-size="450,677" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px" data-image-title="Harem" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499596898","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"2500","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Harem" srcset=" 450w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3288" data-large-file="" />Harem
Estación del Orient express – Orient express station
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="Orient express station" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499692414","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"220","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Estación del Orient express - Orient express station" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3289" data-large-file="" />Estación del Orient express – Orient express station
Estatua de Alejandro Magno – Statue of Alexander the Great
" data-orig-size="600,903" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-image-title="Statue of Alexander the great" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499524107","copyright":"","focal_length":"28","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Estatua de Alejandro Magno - Statue of Alexander the Great" srcset=" 600w, 100w, 199w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3293" data-large-file="" />Estatua de Alejandro Magno – Statue of Alexander the Great
" data-orig-size="903,600" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-image-title="topkapi" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D3200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1499590612","copyright":"","focal_length":"18","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Topkapi" srcset=" 700w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 903w" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3294" data-large-file="" />Topkapi