Tyrell pyramid

Publicado el 09 enero 2010 por Jfuste

After some hassles and issues with mail service, today is a great day. Received a big box with two Tyrell pyramid parts inside. They was casted from originals molds, as the companion letter saids. The pieces measures 130×368 mm and 60×155 mm. Color match the movie and the details are awesome!

Letter follows:

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to state some background information on the Blade Runner Tyrell building castings. The molds for both of these pieces came from Mr. Eric Stohl who had worked on films such as Armageddon, Broken Arrow, Total Recall, The Hudsucker Proxy, among other films. Mr. Stohl had worked with Mark Stetson at Stetson Visual Services p.n. a number of films and it was from Mark Stetson (Blade Runner 1982 Chief Model Maker) that Mr. Stohl had acquired these molds. Extra Blade Runner castings were also used by the effects crew to decorate many of the Mars buildings in the film Total Recall.

I personally worked with Mr. Stohl at mattel inc. between the years of 2000-2003. He had at the time brought into Mattel all of his castings and molds from his time with Mark Stetson. The 2 Blade Runner pieces you have purchased came from Eric Stohl’s personal collection. We had intended on building a replica of the Tyrell Building with Spinner models and these parts were never used. They were painted and weathered very accurately to the real Tyrell miniature model made for the film Blade Runner.

Best regards,

Dave Martis
Senior Hot Wheels Designer, Mattel Inc.

Pirámide Tyrell

Tras algunos problemillas con el servicio postal, hoy es un gan día. Recbo una caja grande con dos piezas de la pirámide Tyrell en su interior. Han sido hechas a partir de los moldes originales usados en la producción de la película, tal como dice la carta adjunta. Las piezas miden 130×368 mm y 60×155 mm. El color coincide con la película ¡y es realmente extraordinario!

No he traducido la carta, pero se entiende bien, ¿no?