THE SIX WIVES OF HENRY VIIICD1. Catherine of Aragon2. Anne of Cleves3. Catherine Howard4. Jane Seymour5. Anne Boleyn ' The Day Thou Gavest Lord Hath Ended'6. Catherine Parr7. Catherine of Aragon (First Mix 14/02/1973)8. Anne Boleyn ' The Day Thou Gavest Lord Hath Ended (Single Edit)9. Catherine Parr (Single Edit)DVD1. Catherine of Aragon (Quad Version)2. Anne of Cleves (Quad Version)3. Catherine Howard (Quad Version)4. Jane Seymour (Quad Version)5. Anne Boleyn ' The Day Thou Gavest Lord Hath Ended' (Quad Version)6. Catherine Parr (Quad Version)7. Catherine Howard (OGWT 16/01/1973)
THE MYTH AND LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR AND THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLECD1. Arthur2. Lady of the Lake3. Guinevere4. Sir Lancelot and the Black Knight5. Merlin the Magician6. Sir Galahad7. The Last BattleDVD1. Arthur (Quad Version)2. Lady of the Lake (Quad Version)3. Guinevere (Quad Version)4. Sir Lancelot And the Black Knight (Quad Version)5. Merlin the Magician (Quad Version)6. Sir Galahad (Quad Version)7. The Last Battle (Quad Version)
LP The Six Wives of Henry VIII1. Catherine of Aragon2. Anne of Cleves3. Catherine Howard4. Jane Seymour5. Anne Boleyn ' The Day Thou Gavest Lord Hath Ended'6. Catherine Parr7. Catherine of Aragon8. Anne Boleyn ' The Day Thou Gavest Lord Hath Ended9. Catherine Parr
LP The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and The Knights of the Round Table1. Arthur2. Lady of the Lake3. Guinevere4. Sir Lancelot And the Black Knight5. Merlin the Magician6. Sir Galahad7. The Last Battle