Las gafas forman parte de mis últimos descubrimientos y adquisiciones. Son de la marca Blackguard 64, de estilo desenfadado, creativo y lo mejor...: ha creado un nuevo concepto de gafa de sol con multitud de posibilidades, ya que ofrecen la opción de ser personalizadas y graduadas según el criterio del consumidor a un precio asequible!! Yo escogí éstas con forma más redondeada, pero tienen muchísimos modelos y colores donde escoger. Mi chico también se quedó unas, que pronto os enseñaremos por aquí!
Un besazo!!
Hello!! I show you today a look with a kind of boho style, very in the Ibiza Style, wich I love! It is a a Milanoo overall with open shoulders and flexible waistband, which form accentuates waist and gives volume in hips and breast, propitiating a pronounced and feminine silhouette. The complements, also of ethnic style, are a necklace in blue and red tones, and a clutch with tassels in colors.
The glasses are part of my last discoveries. They are from Blackguard 64 brand, a creative and stylish brand, and the best thing of it...: it has created a new concept with multitude of possibilities, since they offer the option to be personalized and adjusted according to the criterion of the consumer at an accessible price!! I chose these with more rounded form, but they have many models and colors where to choose. My boy also got a pair, which soon we will show you somewhere here!
A big kiss!!
Overall: Milanoo / Clutch: Bebohochic / Sunnies: Blackguard 64 / Sandals: Zara / Necklace: Sfera...Pics By: Sergi Bafaluy