Interior blanco y paredes de vidrio y grandes tragaluces crean un ambiente luminoso y abierto, mientras que los muebles de madera le dan calidez. La idea es simple pero potente: si el jardín está ahí fuera, ¿por qué no tenerlo dentro?
A partir de esta consideración, han desarrollado el concepto “Un jardín dentro de casa”, creando en el interior una especie de oasis, donde las plantas de hoja perenne, las piedras y losas pulidas dan a las estancias un aire zen, actuando como un decorado natural y a la vez, fácil de mantener, una verdadera delicia para los sentidos…
Fotos:Suppose Design Office
……………………… English Version
Due to the poor vision of their surroundings, the Japanese architecture firm Suppose Design Office (Hiroshima) designed a home-garden, where plants, lighting and ventilation were introduced in the house. This creates all surround a garden space without visual separation exterior-interior , connected through large glass walls, and using in the garden the same interior decorative treatment, for example by placing in it unusual objects such as pictures.
White interior, large glass walls and skylights create a bright and open space, and wooden furniture give warmth.
The idea is simple but powerful: if the garden is out there, why not have him inside? From this consideration, have developed the concept "A garden indoors", creating within an oasis, where evergreen plants, stones and polished slabs give an zen environment acting as a natural scenery , easy to maintain, and a nice experience for senses ...